Scottie of Plush Talent Arrested! *** EXCLUSIVE ** Updated

Yesterday at 2 pm former adult talent agent Scottie Ohanian has been arrested by the LAPD.

Plush Talent

He is being held on a $1 million dollar bail for a felony arrest.


A person who was there at the time and asked us not to disclose his or her identity has said …

“The swat team showed up. They took everything. It was so crazy.”




233620cookie-checkScottie of Plush Talent Arrested! *** EXCLUSIVE ** Updated

Scottie of Plush Talent Arrested! *** EXCLUSIVE ** Updated

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10 Responses

  1. I was going to put my statement in the comments section but thought it was probably important enough to insert actually into the article itself. I don’t want people thinking I set Scottie up. I had nothing to do with him and didn’t even know he was arrested until I read this article nor do I know why he was even arrested.

  2. More super reporting here, no one knows why he was arrested. Between this BS, the crazy spam yesterday from this site yesterday(with no apology, or reassurance our accounts haven’t been compromised) and your anti-pornstar bully contributor “Voice of Reason” (who’s story’s should be clearly marked editorials but are not), this is no-longer an industry news site but more like a gossip site run by children. Mike South always tried to do his research first and always be fair. This new evolution of is jut sad.

  3. I am horribly sorry about yesterday’s spam fest. While trying to install a new theme the server went crazy. I can’t tell you how frustrating that was and I can’t apologize enough for the nightmare. I really am sorry about the post spam.

  4. To angry semi-literate commenter AmDazed:

    I’m “Anti-porn star”? Really? Because I point out that an individual performer is a soulless mercenary, I am therefore against “porn stars” generally? Perhaps you ought to read some of Mr. South’s posts about how most porn stars and strippers are laughable (not to mention, disease-ridden) idiots. Or his unwavering support of proposed legislation that the VAST majority of adult performers opposed very vocally. If there was ever someone “anti-porn star” posting on this site, it’s not I.

    My favorite part of your remarks: “Mike South always tried to do his research first and always be fair.” LOL yes, he was fair to Shy Love and Alana Evans and Michael Weinstein among others when he regurgitated their lies uncritically. He was “fair” when he refused to run responses to his posts that would have showed that he didn’t know what he was talking about.

    As to the remainder of your painfully fatuous comment, that my “story’s [sic] should be clearly marked editorials but are not”, first of all I think you mean “stories” not story’s”. Second, your hero Mike South claimed for years that EVERYTHING on his site was “op/ed” because he (mistakenly) believed that utterance would shield him from liability. The fact that he’s no longer in charge of the site that bears his name might provide some indication of just how very wrong he was.

  5. Aaaaaaannndd… that makes no sense either. You’re saying what, exactly? That my personal comment reflects a personal editorial opinion? LOL why yes it does! That’s how it works.

    But, I’m re-reading you comment and doing the maths, and you know what, I apologize. I hadn’t realized you are mentally handicapped. You should consider changing your handle to ‘AmDazed and Confused’. Cheers!

  6. Calm down snowflake, now both your comments proved my point in the following ways and I’ll explain…

    I said: “bully contributor “Voice of Reason” , you reply with: “To angry semi-literate commenter AmDazed” and “I hadn’t realized you are mentally handicapped. You should consider changing your handle to ‘AmDazed and Confused’. ”

    Both of these comments also support my comment, “this is no-longer an industry news site but more like a gossip site run by children”. As well as all your comments bashing Mike South to convey that you aren’t as bad as him. And the general snowflake tone of your response makes you sound as if you are not an adult contributor to a site you respect but a child who just can’t take any criticism. I am part of this sites audience and while I fully expect to get into juvenile arguments and potential name calling with other viewers, mature site contributors would have thicker skin and more professional responses to critical and even insulting comments.

    Then you call in the grammar police, ” first of all I think you mean “stories” not story’s, “further supporting my comments about you being childish. And while I don’t really care about a typo here and there in the comments section, you aren’t any better with “I’m re-reading you comment and doing the maths” which I think you meant reading “your” comment and doing the “math”(Unless you are British or Australian, then I’ll give you maths). Now I did notice my typo before you commented but can’t edit that comment so its there and not really a big deal. I would also revise my first comment it regards to Kelli, now that she changed the verbiage slightly in her article update(after my comment), but these are just comments, not “stories”, and again not really a big deal.

    And coincidentally your potentially most offensive comment here, “I hadn’t realized you are mentally handicapped. You should consider changing your handle to ‘AmDazed and Confused’. ” has almost caught the implications of my name “AmDazed and Confused”… great movie, but not actually in relation to being me being mentally handicapped but my potential state of mind based on the themes in Dazed and Confused. But alas, I take no offence.

    To conclude, “Case in Point”.

  7. What a fatuous reply.

    Firstly, a “snowflake” is one who is easily offended. I’m not offended by you, I just think you’re an idiot. It’s not sensitivity that prompts my replies; it’s boredom mixed with genuine awe at your stupidity.

    It’s a distinction worth noting.

    And in any case, it’s you who writes of a “most offensive comment” LOL. Methinks it’s you who has the thin skin, not I.

    “[A]ll your comments bashing Mike South to convey that you aren’t as bad as him.” No, they are meant to convey that 1) I am better than him, and 2) you don’t know what you’re talking about. Again, an important distinction.

    Also, as to “maths”: not a typographical error. When/where I went to school, that’s how we spelled it.

    “You[r]” was a typo, however “story’s” is a grammatical error. Another distinction.

    “[M]ature site contributors would have . . . more professional responses to critical and even insulting comments.” I’ll tell you what, Confused One, when YOU contribute to a site then you can decide what a proper response is. And as long as you’re a commenter of no special note, be prepared to have your idiocy debunked and called out. A “bully” would respond with “I’m right and you’re a moron” (i.e., Mike South-style), however, I provided examples that illustrate just how ridiculous your comment is. It’s not my problem if you can’t handle it. Actually, I must confess, it’s rather amusing.

    Come back or don’t, I really don’t care and you’re not much of a loss if you don’t. My critique of you stands.

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