Oak Bay officer fired for allegedly hiring sex worker, retires before punishment

British Columbia, CANADA – An Oak Bay cop has been ordered dismissed over allegations of hiring a sex trade worker but retired before the punishment was meted out.

The allegation against the officer, whose name or gender was not revealed, was documented in the annual report of the Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner released Tuesday.

In a statement, Oak Bay Chief Constable Andy Brinton said the department caught wind of the allegation in December, 2016.

The police complaints commissioner began an investigation at that time as did an “external independent investigator,” Brinton said. The matter was also investigated criminally.

Those investigations did not find enough evidence for criminal charges, but did find the officer had committed discreditable misconduct, which led to dismissal in November, 2017.

“The behaviour of this police officer does not meet the expectations of the Oak Bay Police Department nor the community at large,” Brinton said in the statement. “This individual will never be a police officer again.”

The officer retired before the investigations completed, the department said. According to the commissioner’s annual report, the officer did not appeal the findings of the disciplinary process.

The department said there was no evidence the cop hired the sex worker while on duty.


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Oak Bay officer fired for allegedly hiring sex worker, retires before punishment

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