Man with ‘fascination’ for horse porn given three year sentence

The judge said Moulder’s porn stash would ‘do a Roman Emperor proud

A Gloucester man has been jailed after attacking his flatmate, stealing his car and downloading extreme images of horse porn.

Samuel Moulder was arrested after police found illicit pornographic material involving horses and children on his phone.

Judge Ian Lawrie QC jailed the 30-year-old, of Bourton Road, Tuffley, for three years at Gloucester Crown Court on Thursday.

He remarked that Moulder would “do a Roman Emperor proud with the depravity and variety of the images”.

The court heard Moulder has a particular fascination for bestiality involving horses, in the form of horse porn.

The defendant, who until recently lived in Cheltenham, admitted possessing extreme pornographic images of a person having oral sex with an animal.

He also pleaded guilty to two offences of possessing indecent images of children, which fell into Category A (the most serious class) and Category C.

‘He would bully Byron’

Moulder admitted assaulting flatmate Byron Taylor, causing him actual bodily harm on November 22 last year, as well as stealing his car and two mobile phones.

In taking the car, Moulder was driving without a licence or insurance, and then he committed fraud by filling the vehicle at a Tesco service station, saying he did not have any money and completing a form in Mr Taylor’s name the following day.

The judge noted the relationship between Moulder and Mr Taylor had “all the hallmarks of domestic abuse” apart from they were not a couple.

“It was a fairly abusive relationship,” Mr Gordon agreed. “One bullying the other. One can see it in terms of he has found someone he can abuse. ”

The court heard that Moulder then began to pester Mr Taylor to try and get him to drop the allegations.

This led to a further arrest, and the seizure of a mobile phone.

It was on that device that 172 ‘extreme pornographic’ images were found, along with two category A and one category C images of child abuse.

After hearing that Moulder has nine previous convictions for eighteen offences, the judge warned him: “If you do not change your habits you will spend the rest of your life popping in and out of prison.”

Gloucestershire Live

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Man with ‘fascination’ for horse porn given three year sentence

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