Is Michael Pratt of Girls Do Porn a Rapist?

When doing research on the ongoing trial I came across one of the victims, who it turns out was held against her will in a hotel.

Her story, along with the stories of 21 other victims will be playing out in court in the coming weeks.

Michael J Pratt owner of girls do porn
Michael J Pratt

In this particular case, the girl was found thanks to the “Find a Friend” feature on her iPhone. At the time she was discovered she had already been held against her will for at least three days.

She was, sadly enough, considered one of the “lucky ones”, by someone close to the case. We hear there are far worse stories in the mix of 22 victims that are part of the ongoing civil lawsuit.

Although all of the victim’s stories haven’t been revealed yet, we will hear of them soon, as the whole mess plays out in an open court. All of their stories will soon be a part of public record.

We’ll continue to update you on this story as new information becomes available to us.


480630cookie-checkIs Michael Pratt of Girls Do Porn a Rapist?

Is Michael Pratt of Girls Do Porn a Rapist?

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3 Responses

  1. Did you just draw straws for this.? Well I guess you had a 33% chance of being right. The story or stories you heard or read is true. Many of the girls have the same story but it isn’t Pratt. So when one of the girls fly into SD they often stay at the hotel over night after the shoot and Garcia stays with them until they have to leave, he is satisfied (which is rare), they lock themselves in the bathroom or until he eventually gets intoxicated enough, he can’t perform.

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