Indiana man sues parents after they destroy his valuable porn collection

And I thought it was bad when my parents trashed my old baseball card collection. . .  An Indiana man is suing his parents after they destroyed his valuable porn collection.

In a lawsuit filed last week, the dedicated porn fan/plaintiff who FOX 17 identifies as “Charlie” recently moved to Indiana after living with his parents in Michigan for 10 months. He had just gotten over a divorce, and was able to do work around his parents’ home in exchange for rent. A domestic situation forced him out in August 2017.

A few months later, his parents drove to his home in Indiana to give him some belongings he left in their home, only one thing was missing: his gargantuan porn collection that consisted of more than 12 moving boxes full of adult films.

Charlie says his parents told him they destroyed his entire collection.

Upset, he called the Ottawa County Sheriff’s Office, filing a police report that estimated the value of his collection at $28,940.72. The prosecutor’s office decided against filing charges against his parents, but Charlie is still suing his parents for $86,822.16 in damages.

The collection was described by his parents in an email.

Indiana man sues parents after they destroy his valuable porn collection

“We counted twelve moving boxes full of pornography plus two boxes of sex toys as you call them. We began that day the process of destroying them and it took quite a while to do so,” his parents wrote.

A month after he filed the police report, Charlie scolded his father in an email. “If you had a problem with my belongings, you should have stated that at the time and I would have gone elsewhere. Instead you choose to keep quiet and behave vindictively,” he said.

According to the lawsuit, his father said he destroyed them for Charlie’s own good. “Believe it or not, one reason for why I destroyed your porn was for your own mental and emotional health, his father said. “I would have done the same if I had found a kilo of crack cocaine. Someday, I hope you will understand.”

According to his father, Charlie’s “addiction” turned into a small porn business during his high school and college days

He was reportedly kicked out of high school and college for selling pornography to other students. His son was warned that if he ever found porn in his house again, he would destroy it.

Upset that no one wanted to take his case, the plaintiff reached out to investigators again, allegedly sending one officer 44 emails worth of porn movies he says were destroyed.

Some, he says, are extremely valuable because those videos aren’t being distributed anymore.

“Not Just Out of Print,” Charlie said about the valuable out-of-print movies in his porn collection. “But the entire studio making it dissolved, and that was 20 years ago.”

The prosecutor’s office decided against filing charges a second time.

Fox News

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Indiana man sues parents after they destroy his valuable porn collection

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8 Responses

  1. Judging by the lack of comments y’all know a porn collection is a waste of space & money.

  2. Mr. Big, in my case I really don’t know what to say. $29K worth of porn tapes/DVDs is a lot of tapes/DVDs. That collection probably went back to when porn first came out on VHS in the late 70’s and might even have included some old 16mm pornos (yes, they did exist and I have seen them with my own eyes). I certainly would like to have had that collection assuming it isn’t gay, tranny or child porn. I probably couldn’t get the collection in my van — even if I took the seats out of the back of it.

  3. I used to have a bunch of 8mm Swedish Erotica loops featuring John Holmes, Seka, Annette Haven, Connie Peterson, and Lisa Deleeuw. They might be worth money now.

  4. The market is so saturated that they’re worthless. I hate to break it to Meyer Lansky that porn aint art. Holly Hendrix’ flix have NOT increased in value

  5. As Repairman Jack would say, this boils down to what’s yours, and what’s not yours. The cops and prosecutors can jaw about whatever they want to,but at the end of the day, it was his property that he paid a lot of money to acquire over the years, and they destroyed it. End of story. Type of property is almost beside the point.

  6. The same bullshit dvds that cost $18 flat in Manhattan cost $40 in LA. I used to have this dude from hollywood mail me money orders and a list and I used to go shopping for him.

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