Flash Brown Still in Jail – Gets New Court Date *Updated

Our boy Flash Brown is still in jail and he has a new court date. Despite having a $320,000 bail, he is still in jail and his new court date is set for June 8th.

Flash Brown in Jail

We don’t know if that will take place in light of the court system being shut down right now, but for now, at least he’s still sitting his dumb ass in jail — where he belongs.

As we discussed previously, he was officially charged in March of 2019 on 7 charges and pled not guilty. There were 2 counts of corporal injury to a spouse, one count of pimping and pandering, 1 count of revenge porn and 3 counts of contempt of court, for violations of a previous arrest for domestic violence from October of 2018, which included 1 count of inflicting corporal injury to a spouse, 1 count of assault with a deadly weapon, and 1 count of drawing a deadly weapon (other than a firearm) in a rude, angry or threatening manner.

His wife (soon to be ex-wife), a mainstream model originally from Europe was recently awarded a 2-year protection and no-contact order and has been present as a victim at every one of his hearings. In addition, his ex-wife Tamara was awarded a 10-year protection order.

Update: Several of his court dates were missed because he was in the hospital claiming to have back problems. He’s even been showing up to court in a wheelchair, claiming he can’t walk, that he has severe back problems. He’s trying to pull a Harvey Weinstein to get sympathy. LOL, In reality, he’s a severe drug addict (cocaine is his drug of choice). He is probably most likely going through severe withdrawals and using this fake ass back pain to get pain killers.


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Flash Brown Still in Jail – Gets New Court Date *Updated

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5 Responses

  1. Yes, the other Karma is a bitch! Flash Brown is probably getting something he doesn’t want now that he can’t defend himself at the LA County Jail and Prolapse Center. Flash deserves all of the torture that the prison gangs and screws can give him.

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