The defendant’s prodigious, smelly, uncircumsized poronga was, in the immortal words of The New York Post, “a huge giveaway”
A disgraced Brooklyn jail guard’s massive, hook-shaped penis helped the feds nab him for sexually assaulting female inmates, it was revealed in court Tuesday as jurors listened on in shock.

Lt. Eugenio Perez is accused of forcing women at the Metropolitan Detention Center (MDC) to give him oral sex — and prosecutors said they were able to nail him as a suspect when multiple accusers described his distinctive bicho.
So, the feds required him to drop trou to make a positive ID of his pito.
Exactly what made Perez’s pijo so memorable also became the big “reveal” on day one of the Brooklyn jail guard’s sex abuse trial.
“He wasn’t circumcised. It was big, and it was like a hook…. It was humongous and it curved,” a 38-year-old former inmate of the federal lockup in Brooklyn testified anonymously.
But, she noted, his mammoth member kind of smelled bad.
“If it didn’t stink I would have been all over that shit,” she continued, describing the odor as “pissy,” as jurors’ eyebrows shot up.
The woman, who was jailed at the time on a drug charge but has since been released, said Perez had approached her when she was getting cleaning supplies from the camera-less lieutenants’ office at the jail — and at first she embraced his hugs and kisses because she was lonely.
But when he whipped out his titanic taladro de carne she became scared.
“He just tried to like, you know, push my head down so I could suck his dick,” the woman testified, weeping.
“I felt used at that point. And I felt like I was making a mistake. Like, I wanted to be touched by another human being, but it just wasn’t him. I just was lonely…It made me feel normal again, alive. Because when you’re in jail, you feel dead. ”
On cross examination, she exploded as the defense attorney asked about her plea deal. Before storming off the stand, she snarled at Perez: “Your lawyer is a dick.”
A system
Perez was one of three guards charged last May with turning the detention center into their personal harem.
“This is a case about power, opportunity and abuse…Eugenio Perez, used his position and power as a law enforcement officer, a lieutenant at the Federal Bureau of Prisons to sexually abuse five different women, female inmates entrusted to his care and custody,” prosecutor Nadia Shihata said in her opening statements.
“He arranged for them to clean on the second floor, of the prison, exposed his penis through the zipper of his pants, masturbated and demanded oral sex.”
There was even a system for when he ejaculated, she said — into a paper towel that he then folded up to dispose.
One juror sat with her hand over her mouth [good call — ed.] as Shihata spoke.

Perez was indicted with another lieutenant at the jail, Carlos Martinez, 48, who was charged in May 2017 with raping a female inmate — a young Dominican woman who was serving a drug-trafficking sentence — at least four times between December 2015 and April 2016. In January, the jury, in Federal District Court in Brooklyn, found him guilty not only of sexual abuse, but also of the sexual abuse of a ward and of violating the civil rights of his victim, who testified about the assaults using the pseudonym Maria. He faces a maximum sentence of life in prison.
MDC holds about 1,800 inmates; about 3 percent of them are women. In 2016, a federal judge expressed reluctance about sending women there because, as she said at the time, its conditions made it sound like it was in “some third-world country.”
One Response
Too bad (for them, anyway) they was working in a federal prison in Brooklyn, NY and not some Michigan state prison. These idiots would have fit right in here and they would have received state commendations for fucking the inmate chicks instead of federal criminal charges. They would have also got more than just blow jobs out of the deal — bubba guards fucking female inmates cunts and asses is tacitly accepted (and you could argue encouraged) in Michigan prisons. I bet Eugenio Perez’s dick would have got him the nickname “Captain Hook” from the tortured inmates. I hope the chicks these idiots got their blow jobs from were at least cute and that they were handcuffed tightly from behind when “Captain Hook” and his friend fucked their throats. 🙂