Ex WPXI Pittsburgh anchor Darieth Chisolm wins revenge porn case in Jamaica court

After two years of waging an international court case against revenge porn, former WPXI news anchor Darieth Chisolm can claim victory.

Chisolm’s ex-boyfriend, Donovan Powell, 53, of Jamaica pleaded guilty in Jamaican court to three charges related to distributing nude pictures of the journalist, according to The (Jamaica) Gleaner.

The charges fall under the country’s four-year-old Cybercrimes Act. Powell was accused of creating a website where he posted nude pictures of Chisolm along with derogatory comments.

In a Monday Instagram post, Chisolm rejoiced.

“I step out of the court room in Jamaica today with a sense of relief, extreme gratitude, excitement for what’s next…” she wrote. “I learned that mine was the first case of its kind setting history and precedence in Jamaica for an American citizen to bring charges under their Malicious Communications Act and Cyber Crimes.”

The (Pittsburgh) City Paper writes:

After a 20-year career at WPXI, Chisolm left in 2013 to spend more time with her son. In 2017, she was living with Powell in Jamaica, and when she broke up with him, he sent her threatening messages and created a website where he posted nude photos and videos he took of her without her knowledge, as Pittsburgh City Paper previously reported. She described it then as “one of the most embarrassing and extremely painful experiences anyone can ever experience.”

After experiencing its effects firsthand, Chisolm founded the organization 50 Shades of Silence to advocate and educate on behalf of other revenge porn victims.

“Now if we can only get International authorities worldwide to pay attention to this growing epidemic and give voice and dignity to so many other victims,” Chisolm wrote in her post.

489240cookie-checkEx WPXI Pittsburgh anchor Darieth Chisolm wins revenge porn case in Jamaica court

Ex WPXI Pittsburgh anchor Darieth Chisolm wins revenge porn case in Jamaica court

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