Arietta Adams Calls Out Bruno Dickemz for Sexual Assault then attends his parties

Arietta Adams took to twitter the other day, to discuss a sexual experience she went through.

Arietta Adams Calls Out Bruno Dickemz for Sexual Assault @AriettaAdamsXxx

Since were all talking about sexual assault here: when i first got into porn i lived at brunos house. One of his friends/someone i knew coerced and forced me into giving him head after i came home from dancing all night and repeatedly told him NO-

Bruno barged in the door recording and i started crying and tried kicking them both while he told me if i wanted to be a pornstar this is what pornstars do! he sent the video to a group chat after that without my consent to make fun of me. fuck him and everyone who supports him

I didnt realize what had happened to me was sexual assault until a year later.


She then text Bruno to attend his parties.

Bruno apologies



576512cookie-checkArietta Adams Calls Out Bruno Dickemz for Sexual Assault then attends his parties

Arietta Adams Calls Out Bruno Dickemz for Sexual Assault then attends his parties

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6 Responses

  1. Hold the fuck up. Bruno a dick but I’m not so sure he’s guilty on this 1. I just read 1 of the comments on twitter. “You were just here for a party actin like everything was ok. Notice how you are not calling out the guy who supposedly “raped” you but you wanna name drop bruno… all cuz he exposed you for cheating on your bf. Stop it bitch, you just want some retweets.”

  2. U get assaulted then go back and hang out with these dudes again at a party months later?

  3. She got called out on snapchat for snitching on her friends. She’s been talking to the cops. Fuck this bitch.

  4. Mike South what are you thinking. She is on sets recording conversations and giving cops slanted information to bury innocent people. Arietta Says anyone who crosses her or says something to trigger her should go to jail.
    She ratted out Hobby Bucannon three escorts agencies, two talent agents and recorded a john while on her hookery antics rendezvous in new york

  5. LOL wont say too much here , but that court case where she is a lying informant is publicly available if you know where to look. She gave up everyone and its total bullshit. I bet the cops told her this would get out but she don’t give a fuck. Still rolling with the Black mob gagsters and rappers while reporting on coke dealers pimps and hookers

  6. New Jersey, Mike South hasn’t posted here in several years, he sold this site in 2016-2017 and retired from porn. He is missed greatly on this site.

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