The 32 Charges against War Machine in the Christy Mack Trial

A few years ago War Machine, an MMA fighter beat the living hell out of porn star Christy Mack. He beat her nearly to death. It took many years but the case has finally gone to trial.

Christy Mack Assault

With the War Machine trial going on, I thought it would be a good time to list off exactly what he is charged with. In all they’ve hit him with 32 charges, many of which are duplicates. For example, charges 16-19 are all “Battery resulting in substantial bodily harm constituting domestic violence” – so that’s 4 separate charges of “Battery resulting in substantial bodily harm constituting domestic violence”. Often times when a person has multiple of the same charges, they will find the defendant guilty of only 1 of the 4 charges.

  1. Battery constituting domestic violence – strangulation (Class C felony)
  2. Coercion (Class B felony)
  3. Preventing or dissuading a witness or victim from reporting a crime or commencing prosecution (Class D felony)
  4. Battery constituting domestic violence – strangulation
  5. Coercion
  6. Preventing or dissuading witness or victim from reporting crime or commencing prosecution
  7. First degree kidnapping resulting in substantial bodily harm (Class A felony)
  8. Battery resulting in s substantial bodily harm constituting domestic violence (Class C felony)
  9. Sexual assault
  10. Attempted sexual assault (Class A felony)
  11. Sexual assault
  12. Burglary while in possession of a deadly weapon (Class B felony)
  13. First degree kidnapping with use of a deadly weapon resulting in substantial bodily harm (Class A felony)
  14. Coercion sexually motivated (Class B felony)
  15. Battery with use of a deadly weapon constituting domestic violence (Class B felony)
  16. Battery resulting in substantial bodily harm constituting domestic violence
  17. Battery resulting in substantial bodily harm constituting domestic violence
  18. Battery resulting in substantial bodily harm constituting domestic violence
  19. Battery resulting in substantial bodily harm constituting domestic violence
  20. Battery with use of a deadly weapon constituting domestic violence
  21. Battery with use of a deadly weapon constituting domestic violence
  22. Battery with use of a deadly weapon constituting domestic violence
  23. Battery with intent to commit sexual assault resulting in substantial bodily harm
  24. Sexual assault with use of a deadly weapon resulting in substantial bodily harm (Class A felony)
  25. Attempted murder with use of a deadly weapon (Class B felony)
  26. Battery resulting in substantial bodily harm (Class C felony)
  27. Battery resulting in substantial bodily harm (Class C felony)
  28. Battery by strangulation (Class C felony)
  29. Battery by strangulation (Class C felony)
  30. Battery by strangulation (Class C felony)
  31. Attempted Murder (Class B felony)
  32. Preventing or dissuading a witness or victim from reporting crime or commencing prosecution

So just how much time could he serve? That really depends greatly on what he is actually convicted of. Chances are, out of the 32 charges, many will go away and some charges carry little to no jail time. For example, battery constituting domestic violence – strangulation (Class C Felony) only comes with a possible punishment of 2 days to a maximum of 6 months in jail.

First degree kidnapping with use of a deadly weapon resulting in substantial bodily harm (Class A felony) which you might assume would be a big deal, actually only comes with a prison term of 1 to 10  years, and a fine of not more than $5,000.

He’s already been in jail for a couple years (since around September 2014) so a lot of these charges that do come with jail time will be washed away with “time served”.


156220cookie-checkThe 32 Charges against War Machine in the Christy Mack Trial

The 32 Charges against War Machine in the Christy Mack Trial

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10 Responses

  1. If only. But more than likely he’ll get maybe 10 years and then factor in the 3 years he’s already served, means he’ll already be ready for parole.

  2. I hope Nevada’s parole laws aren’t that lenient for violent convicts like War Machine will become after this trial. Here in Michigan any state prison time has a mandatory minimum that must be served before an inmate can even think about parole (if there is jail time instead of state prison county Sheriffs are allowed to knock off half of the sentence, the maximum jail time is one year and any more sends the convict to the state DOC). Some states don’t have that law, however — and worst-case someone could have a life sentence and be paroled within five years of conviction. Kentucky is an extreme example of this, people sometimes only serve 10% of their sentences in that state and many probation violators are simply re-probated back out on the streets (Lexington’s prosecuting attorney refers to this as “catch and release”).

  3. I’m pretty sure his life is over. He’s tried to kill himself in jail. He’s gone to jail for at least three violent rampages. Some guys are just so screwed up they can’t be fixed..the roids certainly didn’t help.

  4. I am hoping some prison “five bubba club” beats War’s ass like he did Christy and her friend. One on one War is unbeatable but five or ten on one with some prison weapons I think they could do a number on him. Maybe a couple of porn fan guards would also like to get in on the action.

  5. The Comments are often more entertaining than the Articles. This is just funny. So I will give it a go Although I am no mharris127.
    mharris127 comments are interesting and funny as well.
    I have watched some of this trial and man Christie Macks’s mother is not helping this situation at all.

    In one outburst the mother states she would shoot war machine. YEAKS
    Then every nine words out of her mouth is profanity.
    Christy Mack looks beat up these days as well. As in not looking healthy, She looks very bad. What is the tattoo say on her fingers anyway ?

    If I were war machine my defense would be

    He could claim temporary insanity although he is permanently bat shit crazy and a weaponized beast.

    He could just say he caught Herpes and many other STD’s from her and he still stuck it out with her. He actually mentioned he got herpes from her by the way.

    He could make it known to the Jury he was on his way over to propose with a ring in hand and barged in on what he thought was her doing a web cam show only to find Christie on all fours being railed by another man. At the least she should have been in missionary. Dear god I know I will catch hell for this. lol

    His lawyer should ask a few questions on this topic.
    How did she even meet this stranger and expand on this further too, after all was she a stranger to this compromising position with random people ? The doggie position of coarse. Then expand on this further. hmmmmm

    Next question would be.
    Ever got paid for this ? war machine’s lawyer would have to be ready for objections and all but it is a question non the less. I mean she is no mother Teresa of Calcutta here. Just saying
    Point is, war Machine could play the jury well given the porn star status of ill repute, kinda. Nothing to loose after all now in this shit show made for D list reality TV show really.

    War machine can seek sympathy from the jury maybe. Just be honest and say he lost it because he was on steroids and proli cocaine as far as he can remember. He saw his fiancée getting railed and he didn’t really kill anyone. I mean he could have killed someone or two yah know.

    What the hell was this other guy doing there anyway ? well I mean why was he there really ? and is he ok now. Just for showmanship and being a good sport about this. You know , show some concerns for others other than himself.

    I found that other guy to be lying on the stand and her too. A for the mother, dam I can see them jurors feeling they are now way better parents and star spangling citizens right about then.

    Don’t get me wrong this man is a trained killer and is a loose cannon. Even in Jail he is dangerous to other inmates. Lets pry he does the right thing with a bed sheet or two.

  6. You have some good points there Nantucket. I think in the end it’s going to be War Machine’s prior’s that really do him in.

    Let’s face it, he has a switch that when it turns on he can’t stop himself from brutalizing others.

    A true War Machine.

  7. Nantucket, your comment to this article shows you are just as capable of blunt, in your face comments as I. You have a different take on this case than I and I am glad he didn’t try to use any of the defenses you described, though — that would have done nothing but make War look like even more of a cocksucking, shit slinging, callous piece of rapist, attempted killer dog and cow shit than he already does and probably push Christy into the mental hospital with what we used to call a nervous breakdown (if she isn’t there right now anyway from the stress of the trial). I can’t even imagine the horror that Christy has endured both during the actual rape, assault, attempted murder, her surgeries and healing and the publicity during this trial. I don’t care how unattractive a person may find her or what kind of person she was/is (I cannot comment on the latter as I don’t know her personally), she didn’t deserve even a infinitesimal fraction of what she has been put through at the hands of War. I wish Christy the best for the rest of her life and hope she finds love and marriage to a person that will treat her with respect and dignity whomever that person may be (as long as it isn’t War). I know she has those tattoos (which are a automatic disqualifier for probably 95% of men even considering dating her) but there are some people that are loving, caring people, can overlook the tattoos and scars and can be attracted to her “bad girl” look, I sincerely hope Christy can find one of those people and they can both fall madly in love with each other and spend the rest of their lives in holy matrimony. I wish Lurking Reader was still commenting here, I would love to read her take on War’s conviction and after his sentencing takes place whatever sentence he receives.

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