Jason Sechrest Responds:

Would you believe I was saying, “Who has ever heard of Mike South?” until last month? We can’t be everywhere all of the time, I guess. … Sondra has kept a very low-profile throughout her career and some performers prefer it that way. Sondra is interested in starting a family. JKP knew that going into it and wanted to capture as much hot sex on camera as possible before she did so. Now, if anyone in the future ever wants the best of Sondra Hall, even 10 or 20 years from now, they’ll have to get it at JKP — a great business move on Jill’s part.

The problem is who has ever HEARD of Sondra Hall now…hell ten years from now her name will be as forgotten as Tantala Ray…Look it up.

Sondra Hall is indeed pregnant and this should be no news flash to anyone who reads AVN.com, StunningCurves.com, or JasonCurious.com. She has explained to me and other journalists that she has no intention of leaving JKP and that even if she intends to move back East after her pregnancy, she would like to consider coming back to do a few movies a year.

She is currently working behind-the-scenes as a PA with her husband, Steve, who is a production manager for JKP.

Haven, Ashton Moore, Jenna Haze, Shayla LaVeaux, Tyler Faith, Deven Davis — and Shyla Stylez and Star E. Knight, should they decide to return to the industry in the next five years. We also recently signed two new girls that every gossip columnist has been talking about, though I am not at liberty to confirm the two names until they sign on the dotted line this week. I think we all know at this point who they are though and it’s pretty clear they’ll be adding a lot of fresh life to JKP this year, which I’m really excited about! Contract girls come and go. This has been the way with every company. Why is it so picked apart when it comes to JKP? I mean, come on… that Kody girl or whatever the hell her name was (talk about publicity) over at Vivid was on contract for two months before she went back to work at Red Lobster and I didn’t hear anybody picking that story apart. I think the mass amount of public interest in who is on the JKP roster “this month” is just proof positive of how incredibly far the company in general has come and how famous these girls become upon signing with them.

Ok Jason thats a weak spin, and yes everyone talked about Kody leaving Vivid…but once again people had heard of Kody…Who has heard of Ashton Moore, Tyler Faith or Deven Davis? Shayla made a name for herself years ago and now Jenna only does Girl girl and Haven doesnt’t even shoot….Even Harry Weiss couldn’t put a good spin on that….

LOL… I’m not sure what that’s supposed to mean, [ My comment about he should be updating his resume] but aside from running my daily updated site, JasonCurious.com, and hosting a weekly show at KSEXradio.com and a local West Hollywood bar called Micky’s, I currently serve as a public relations representative for Jill Kelly Productions, as well as Brittany Andrews and BritCo Pictures, Rhett O’Hara, Nick Manning, Shay Sights, Renee LaRue, The Hollywood Improv, and DreamGames. I also took on three new clients last week — Big Blue Productions, Dee, and Kelly Steele. I work as a print journalist for over a dozen adult publications including Club International for which I pen three columns a month, Adult Stars Magazine, Femme Fatales, GASM, Badpuppy and All Boy. And then there’s the acting… starring in Concorde/New Horizon’s “Final Exam” that is due out by summer – a horror film where I play a stoner frat bro with is obsessed with tits and if that’s not acting, damned if I know what is. So um… I’d say my resume — not to mention my schedule — is pretty full, wouldn’t you? ;-}~

Well maybe thats the problem…ya got too much on yer plate...There is one question that enquiring minds want to know though…Has Nick Manning ever offered to pay you in sperm?

Sorry couldn’t resist that one y’all….

More JKP Defections:

JKP Contract girl Sondra Hall has also flown the coop…word is she is preggers and has no intention of returning to her JKP Contract. The common thread with all these girls is that they don’t feel they have been promoted properly. Indeed who has ever even heard of Sondra Hall?

Add to that Jenna Haze is now girl girl only….who does JKP have left?

I keep hearing rumors that JKP PR guy Jason Sechrest should be updating his resume. Jason….you see this you may wanna give it some thought…sorry ya heard it here but forewarned is forearmed.

7270cookie-checkJason Sechrest Responds:

Jason Sechrest Responds:

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