Fucking Hypocrites:

If you have a website and use CCBill you have no doubt been notified that you must remove the word Mastercard as well as the logo from all of your pages. Seems that Mastercard is a copyrighted word. What is fucked up about this is hat if you own a restaraunt and you accept Mastercard you are REQUIRED to display that logo. These assholes are making millions of dollars from adult internet sites and they act like this? Another example is Paypal, they gave a session at InterneXt they had a booth, they clearly want our business….or do they. I am a verified Paypal seller but I can’t list my business in thier list of sellers, do you know why? Because I am an adult website, that’s why. FUCK you assholes, you want my money but you want to push me away, you have no desire to help me grow my business. Either you are in the adult business or you aren’t, let’s get with the damn program people.

4410cookie-checkFucking Hypocrites:

Fucking Hypocrites:

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Mike South

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