Is the third time a charm? Guess not …. Hussie Models loses another model house in Florida

When Riley Reynolds of Hussie Models got his first model house shut down I thought that might slow him down. It didn’t. He set up shop just one town over in Florida in an apartment. That got shut down rather quickly.

Now Riley Reynolds of Hussie Models has officially had his third model house — if that’s what you can call it — closed down in Florida thanks to our friends over at Code Enforcement in Coral Springs, Florida.

Although this happened a few months ago (around August with hearings leading well into September), we are only just now getting to the story because so much else has been going on.

But not to worry, we are already working on another story about Hussie Models that we hope to have lined up for you soon.

This guy just can’t seem to help himself when it comes to finding trouble.


183800cookie-checkIs the third time a charm? Guess not …. Hussie Models loses another model house in Florida

Is the third time a charm? Guess not …. Hussie Models loses another model house in Florida

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One Response

  1. Classic. What a moron this guy is. And so many people hate him, that when he gets in a jam they won’t even give him enough piss to take a pill LOL

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