APAC Removes Lasha Lane From Board @apacsocial

Effective immediately APAC has removed Lasha Lane from their board. This comes after months of drama and verbal abuse.

Alana Evans was just one of many who fell victim to the verbal tirades of her.

Lasha Lane was also thought to be using her connections at APAC to get donations for BIOPIC AIC, among many other problems.

APAC hasn’t really had any relevance nor have they accomplished anything in years. People like her really are just ensuring that nail in the coffin for the organization that was originally described as the “performer branch of the free speech coalition.” I think even the FSC stopped claiming association.



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APAC Removes Lasha Lane From Board @apacsocial

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One Response

  1. APAC what a shit show. Things was not so bad when they had Riley Reyes keeping that wire band together. She was Nice and worked hard for APAC . Now its irrelevant.

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