Did Hustler Magazine go to far this time? You decide!

The anniversary covers of Hustler magazine are always a little crazy. But this time, did Larry Flynt go a little too far turning the American flag into a hijab?

Hustler Magazine

You decide …

Did Larry Flynt go a little too far turning the American flag into a hijab?

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On a side note, I love the underboob.


165050cookie-checkDid Hustler Magazine go to far this time? You decide!

Did Hustler Magazine go to far this time? You decide!

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2 Responses

  1. I didn’t realize there still are skin mags like Hustler, Penthouse, or Playboy. They probably got one foot in the grave and the other foot on a banana peel.

  2. Karma, I think Playboy magazine is toast, I don’t even think it will survive until Hef passes away. They sold their best chance at survival when they sold their TV and film operations to then Manwin, they have fucked with the format of the magazine so severely that what it was known for wasn’t in it anymore until recently when Hef’s son took over and reintroduced nudity to the magazine. Hustler is likely surviving on its strip club and film revenues which likely aren’t that great, my bet is that when Larry Flynt dies or becomes too senile to run the company so does the magazine. I am hopeful that Kelly Holland can turn around Penthouse and have the magazine survive in some form but I think the “vulture” PE investor loan that Kelly took out to buy the company (using it as security for the loan, probably paying at least 50% consisting of dividends, common or preferred stock and actual loan interest), the strip clubs and maybe the film division are what are keeping the company afloat currently and we all know how porn film companies are doing financially right now. If Kelly can’t figure out how to pay off the “vultures” who loaned her the money to buy the company quickly and get out of the (usually) highly onerous interest, equity issuance requirements (to the PE investor) and dividend requirements of the loans, Penthouse is almost certainly toast as well.

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