Pluto Dead, Run over by Parade Float:

“LAKE BUENA VISTA, Florida (AP) — A costumed Disney World employee was run over and killed by a float during a parade at the Magic Kingdom

The death occurred in a backstage area near the Splash Mountain ride Wednesday afternoon, said Jim Solomons, a spokesman for the Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Disney spokeswoman Rena Langley said Javier Cruz, 38, of Orlando, was about to enter the park when he was hit, and she wasn’t sure if any visitors witnessed what happened. She said Cruz had worked at the park since 1995 andwas the Pluto character in the parade.”

No word if Pluto was chasing the float and caught it….

11640cookie-checkPluto Dead, Run over by Parade Float:

Pluto Dead, Run over by Parade Float:

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