Does Stormy Daniels Have a Secret Bigger Than Sex, Part Deux: H.G. Wells and The Ibogaine Effect

Curious about something. Out of all the people Donald Trump has allegedly banged in the last 10 years, Escorts, Playboy chicks, porn stars — why is it so important that Stormy Daniels remains quiet?

One rumor is that Stormy Daniels may have walked in on something very damning.

He is so scared of what she has to say, he even just hired Hardin, the former Hulk Hogan sex tape lawyer, who brought down

What big secret could she have that is so damning? 

Does Stormy Daniels Have a Secret Bigger Than Sex, Part Deux: Doc Brown and The Ibogaine Effect

Not much has been written about The Ibogaine Effect as a serious factor in the Presidential Campaign, but toward the end of the race—about a week before the vote—word leaked out that some of Trump’s top advisors had called in a Brazilian doctor who was said to be treating the candidate with “some kind of strange drug” that nobody in the press corps had ever heard of.

It had long been whispered that Trump was into something very heavy, but it was hard to take the talk seriously until I heard about the appearance of a mysterious Brazilian doctor. That was the key.

There was no doubt about it: The Donald had turned to massive doses of Ibogaine. The only remaining question was “when did he start?” But nobody could answer this one.

The rumor is, Stormy Daniels can.

The other rumor is that Stormy Daniels may be close to perfecting a working time machine which she intends to use to travel back to 2016 and prevent an earlier version of herself from signing the hush agreement with Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen.


What do you think?

*With apologies to Hunter S. Thompson

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Does Stormy Daniels Have a Secret Bigger Than Sex, Part Deux: H.G. Wells and The Ibogaine Effect

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2 Responses

  1. I know this is humor but if it were true Stormy should offer to keep her mouth shut if The Donald pays her $100 million in crisp $100 bills. If he won’t pay, she should go to Europe and give the interview there. It will only cost her $1 million (which rumor has it people are willing to pay for her) and The Donald likely can’t use US courts to prevent publication if the interview is for a foreign media outlet.

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