Kazoo has a big mouth and his skin is too thin for the business he is in.
The big mouth is an asset to his profession but the thin skin isn’t helping him much and that’s what this is all about. Frankly I could care less if Kazoo toss mud pies at each other, its entertaining to see them push each others buttons. For me the funniest rants are when Kazoo is pissed that people aren’t picking up his Tom Toms and marching to his tune.
I can care less if Kazoo pumps up his ego telling ya all about how the sites commenters are noticing him, or if he wants to take pot shots about the comments its fair game. When he starts assigning knowledge or endorsement beyond those comments or site it crosses the line. This isn’t the first time he has taken guilt by association a bit too far, given his history I don’t expect it will be the last either.
Despite reading his posts I’ve never listened to his show and can’t tell you if he carried out his threat to read the email he has or not. Nor can I tell you what he hoped to accomplish since they don’t say anything I haven’t said or commented on along the way. Maybe he wants you to know that I’m less reserved in email than public comment? They sure don’t show knowledge or affiliation with the questions.
Getting back to this guilt by association thing, a few months ago Kazoo and his buddy Richard were upset folks weren’t marching to Kazoo’s tune. These emails might explain how liking a tune isn’t the same as stepping up to join the band. My comments around that time generated lots of flack when I wouldn’t sign on to the attack against the individuals that shared a table with a pedophile merely because they shared a table. When I name an individual as knowing or endorsing something you can damn sure bet I’ll have more than the fact that somebody else doesn’t like them to back that up. That’s just how I roll and a personal pet peeve that comes second to; If you’re gonna dish it out be prepared to eat some too. Like they say, what goes around comes around.
Its no secret that I’m on the opposite side of the fence as some regarding policy but that doesn’t mean I don’t have a sense of humor or can’t take a joke. Joke all you want, once you start pissing down my back and tell me its raining, be ready to get an umbrella up your ass.
onto the email saga linked to this post…

1. (10-18-13 )Kazoo doesn’t have my first email to your neighborhood, if you care that’s when I raised the very issues in the news this week. Back then I raised the issue of HIV as a loophole in the OSHA OPIM-STI draft, this weeks talk is related to AB1576.
“Wow no HIV antibody screening? even when they determine if vaccinations are needed? They are going to ANTIBODY test for everything but HIV. No saying they CAN’T perform while infected…only that employer must do post exposure testing and meds and the PLHCP determines what activities are limited.”

2. (10-26-13) If he had a public comment forum it would have been posted there.

3. (11-26-13 Kurt Brackob)…initial curiosity about potentially game changing policy has become personal after someone hacked my devices.

4. (11-26-13 Kurt Brackob Continued)…Monica and I have no issues with each other, were each doing our thing.

5. (11-26-13 Hearing You)… but you’re shooting self in foot trying to make folks march to your tune

6. (11-27-13 Kazoo Responds)…FYI I talk shareholders and Boards because my shtick is policy not smear campaigns. BTW congrats on that Meeting, it’s a shame Key Board Warriors aren’t Fairy God-mothers.

7. (11-28-13 Kazoo copies Tweet) … and asks if I Lurk with little kids…I point to ‘real sources” in case he decides to do meaningful research<a

8. (11-28-13 Wares MY Talk show)…Holiday Greetings…definitely not confused about Kazoo’s Joke
December the one and only post I made on Kazoo’s Comment forum …happy hunting if you care.

9. (4-4-14 come on looser)..who can’t take a joke?

10. (4-4-14 wow your a retard)…roflmao, its a damn shame you didn’t appreciate the mud pie 🙂

11. (4-4-14 Hey Retard) …now this shit is just too funny

12. (4-4-14 final email)…not sure if this is a peace offering or what…the punch line…kazoo pushed my button, so I pushed his back and damn if that Kazoo didn’t start squawking.
It’s been fun…no hard feelings
PS: Kazoo, Let me know if you want to play again sometime 😉
5 Responses
LurkingReader puts Kazoo in his place http://t.co/Xeoapjpqb0
Regarding the Pedo Treptow/Brackob issue, I posted on here that (paraphrasing) I didn’t agree with him on his assertion that we should chuck everything else and only report on the Pedo Treptow issue until the FSC responded got me a thirty minute plus rant on his web show calling me a pedo and accusing me of liking to fuck little kids (in those words). For the record I like my women 21 plus, they are certainly adults at that age. I wish I had a tape of it, I would send you a copy. The Kazoo is one hell of an ass, I don’t even watch his show that often anymore. He claims to have stopped using drugs but I think he is still using meth. If not he seriously needs mental health help. I think he is also secretly gay with his talk of “fucking people where they breathe” — including men.
I would keep needling the Kazoo. It sets him off to show his true colors, being an asshole. Soon he will decide to piss off Larry Flynt and get an Asshole of the Millennium article in Hustler about him with an 8 X 10 picture of him next to it. I usually don’t buy Hustler but would buy that issue for sure.
@Harris: I agree, I think Rob Zacari is smoking that shit too. He needs some serious mental intervention. I don’t even bother watching someone rant like that. I could go down to downtown PHX and or go out to California and see all those nuts do that all day. Why even bother? lol..But look at it this way, he has been in California too long and USED to part of that fucked up porn industry.
He is Irrelavant like Tommy and Kristi Summers. Next.
Please don’t hunt for a copy of that show on my account… with Tom Byron’s superior writing talent the picture of the kazoos rants is hard enough on the eyes without risking my hearing too.
Great minds discuss ideas, mediocre minds discuss events, small minds discuss personalities. Se la vie’
I would discuss more ideas but they are more appropriate for Intersec or Kink than this site. Oh well.
Ricco, I get what you mean. Rob Black has been in either prison or Los Angeles too long IMO. Actually I think he got the idea to fuck people where they breathe from prison where his mouth was turned into a pussy for several prison bubbas. The guy is 120 pounds soaking wet, there is no way in hell he could defend himself against some of those body builder bubbas in La Tuna.