“Gay for Pay” is messed up…

I just had to weigh in on this issue.  I realize that I’m a nobody in the “porn world”  but I am amazed at the stupidity of the adult industry as a whole.  Mike and I have spoken many times about this issue.  How can they be so slack in the testing?  How can AIMS badger and bully VICTIMS in the outbreaks?  And of equal importance…how can a supposedly “straight guy” do gay porn and continue to call themselves straight?  I am not begrudging ANY performer for their hetero, homo, or somewhere in-between-o, leanings, however, the guys that shoot gay because the money is better…fine, great, I understand you are doing what you think is best for your family.  But don’t you think that you should stay on the gay side?  I understand that  you have kids and a wife and you love them deeply…I do not doubt that for a second.  Nevertheless, I believe that you should stay in that genre.  I do girls…in my personal AND public life…because I like to do girls… a LOT.  But I believe that a man doing gay porn is somewhat non-sensical…maybe even a little hypocritical…but definately dangerous to those of us on the straight side.  Are you concerned with getting labeled “gay?”  Well perhaps you are a little…just like I openly say I am a LOT lesbian…I LOVE girls! 

The problem is, as you know, is you are creating seemingly endless patient ZERO matrices when there is the inevitable outbreak.  The multiplicity of partners is so exponentially large that it makes my head hurt.  Do you remember those old Pantene shampoo commercials where the girl said “I told my friend and they told their friend and so on…and so on….and so on…”  and the TV screen just starts increasing by many columns wide and tall, like a fantasy multi-plexer, full of hot-ass women?  Well I certainly do anyway….lol.  Regardless, guys, if your SO knows what you are doing, great, more power to you.  But let’s just keep the playing fields seperate..and don’t try to make this some kind of crazy issue either…this is not about sexual orientation, color, creed…ANY of that…it’s about health.

28320cookie-check“Gay for Pay” is messed up…

“Gay for Pay” is messed up…

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3 Responses

  1. Excellent points Lindsey. It always amazes me how political correctness and not hurting people’s feelings is deemed more important than the serious health dangers to women in this industry.

    I have never understood why certain guys continue to be hired for straight scenes even though it’s blatantly obvious that they are gay. Beyond the health risks to the performers, don’t the producers realize that it takes the viewer completely out of the scene?

  2. Right on Steve..and not only that but the other problem is “legends” like Peter North started in gay…but he doesn’t strike you as that way..I never knew until Mike informed me..the $$$ are great, I get it.

  3. You rule Lindsey! Keep telling it like it is. I think I’m falling in love…

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