What Really Happened To Jon Dough

He was a popular performer for many years, a laid back guy that most everyone liked.  His suicide took a lot of people by surprise.  Now thaty may have a better understanding of the what happened.

Jon Dough committed suicide 1n 2006, his wife at the time Monique DeMoan broke the story to AVN.

What nobody reported and The FSC, AVN and AIM kept VERY quiet was that John Dough had tested HIV positive three days prior.

It came up recently in a GFY thread soI felt the record should probably be set straight

105502cookie-checkWhat Really Happened To Jon Dough

What Really Happened To Jon Dough

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10 Responses

  1. The GFY thread that mentions Jon Dough only has Mike South claiming that he had HIV.

  2. Didn’t Jon Dough shoot a video where he screwed like 50 girls in one day?

  3. Yes he did but it wasn’t shot during the time when he was within the window period, apparently only a few girls were potentially exposed and they were quickly and quietly herded up and told to retest without being told they had been exposed

  4. sadly this isnt a rumor has it type of thing this ones verified, took a long time to come forward though even though there were some rumors for a time. it doesn’t much matter because nobody got it from him and the story is basically over, not to mention old. What it does go to show is the lengths that some people in this biz will go to to be deceptive and cover their asses….as you will see in a story tomorrow

  5. Just because you dont have the means to verify this story doesnt mean that its unverifiable. There is no statute of limitations, some people, insitutions, and industries just prefer to keep their skeletons in the closet and dont like it very much when people rummage through the old dusty clothes.

  6. I guess my real question is it will be verified. I don’t have any issue with accusations that are substantiated. Too often though, I see circumstantial information standing in for facts, reliance on easy echo-chamber demons and questions used to insinuate guilt. If I wanted that, I’d listen to Sean Hannity. Or talk with my father.

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