Talent Testing Caves Becomes Part of APHSS, But The FSC is Floundering


It’s a move that unofficially states that they are a “non supporting” participant in APHSS.  But most people I have talked to could care less.  Relatively little porn is shot in porn valley anymore anyway and with condom ordinance looming and sales in a downward spiral nobody is really picky about the tests.  If they have a test thats good enough.

With Oraquick tests about to become available over the counter most of the shooters outside porn valley have stated that they intend to start using the oral swab tests as well.

The FSC is under heavy criticism from most people in the biz, particularly on the internet side for getting involved in testing in the first place, they simply don’t have the know how or the experience.

In a related story the FSC did nothing meaningful to combat piracy despite a several year effort, barely a week ago a single guy with Multiple Sclerosis in Australia who calls himself adult king has shut off over 100 processing processing avenues for file sharing sites, including nipping paypal for such giants as Mediafire, Depositfiles, Exabit and others. In a post on GFY detailing plans for his fledgling organization he posted “I don’t want this to turn into another FSC” He went on to say that there would be clear goals and accountability at all levels.


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Talent Testing Caves Becomes Part of APHSS, But The FSC is Floundering

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