Seth Dickens Owns Up

I got this statement today from Seth


 I have been under quarantine since AIM informed me of patient zero status. I have honored this quarantine and will continue to honor it until released by AIM. Thankfully, I have successfully gone through my second round of testing. This has been a very difficult and scary situation for me.

I worked with patient zero on May 20th. She had a valid AIM test that expired on May 29th. I also verified her test on line before shooting that day. I have tested negative for HIV in two series of tests on June 8th and also June 22nd. I will gladly and voluntarily remain on quarantine until receiving my next negative test results on July 6th just like everyone else in my situation.


I just want to be clear, I NEVER work unless I – and my partner – have a current valid AIM test.For anyone that thinks I am calling around to work as talent; that is not true. The truth is, I am working as a production manager in order to pay the bills; that’s why I call around.


I’m really sorry this happened to the industry, and I know it sucks, but it’s not my fault. I’ve always had a good name in this business, I would like to keep it that way.I am hoping this clarifies my involvement in this whole mess, because I have nothing to hide. I want to thank AIM for their help and I look forward to getting back to work. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Seth I want to talk to you…you have my contact info….

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Seth Dickens Owns Up

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One Response

  1. The HIV MILF’s stage name is Muse. She is a 42 year old relative new comer to on screen movies. But she is well known in the gay/swinger community. She has dated Tom Moore off and on for years and has had sex with a lot of the gay flip-flop performers like christianx.

    This problem is much deeper than people think/know. The industry is trying to keep this as quiet as possible. The only way to clean up the industry is to get rid of the gay flip-flop performers like:

    seth dickens
    tom moore
    tj cummings

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