Radio Interview With Performer Who Tested Positive Yesterday She Talks About Working With Flu Like Symptoms.

OK it’s now out of the bag the performer is Nina Elle (who has since tested negative I am told) ,  on her confirmatory test but for the purposes of this article that is irrelevant.
What is relevant is that she did an interview yesterday prior to finding out she had tested positive. The VERY first thing she talks about is her flu like symptoms and how she has to continue to shoot. You can listen to it here

Performers….If you are experiencing any flu like symptoms, sore throught congestion etc you should absolutely NOT be shooting.

despite the claim by The FSC that the 1st generation list is small this girl has worked a lot recently for big companies including Brazzers, Reality Kings, Naughty America, Jules Jordan and Wicked.

Because she is far enough along to exhibit flu like symptoms if you have worked or been with with her recently please get tested immediately regardless of her status better safe than sorry.

If you have had contact with her in the last 30 days and have NOT been notified that you have been exposed I would like to hear about that, you may remain anonymous of course.



109090cookie-checkRadio Interview With Performer Who Tested Positive Yesterday She Talks About Working With Flu Like Symptoms.

Radio Interview With Performer Who Tested Positive Yesterday She Talks About Working With Flu Like Symptoms.

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