Q Codes and Tests


Not having worked in the L.A. Talent pool I was unaware of what the current tests there even look like.  Last night Charity Bangs mentioned that TTS uses Q-Codes on their tests.

It sunk in quickly.

My mind started processing this for problems when she volunteered a jpg of her most recent test, with the q-code on it

I took her up on it, I looked at the test then scanned the q code with my cell phone and there it was the same test in the TTS verification system.

How simple and perfectly elegant is that?

There’s no need for an extra database, with logins for producers and other security holes.  all you need is a cell phone and the hard copy test that the performer has total control over the access.

Let that sink in a second.  Only the performer has the hard copy test results and they have total control over who gets to see it and who gets to verify it.

The question I ask is why isn’t THAT the system that we are using?  Why isn’t CET using that methodology and the FSC can find something other than testing to be inept at?  This is a clearly superior system to APHSS however you cut it.

Thank You to Charity Bangs for demonstrating this for me.  It is simple, elegant and it works.

Kudos to the folks at talent testing that came up with and implemented the idea way over a year ago, before APHSS even fell out of Diane Dukes ass….

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Q Codes and Tests

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Mike South

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