PORN 102 – The Adult Industry Testing System Explained

The newly formed “Adult Performer Advocacy Committee” (APAC) recently released an educational video known as PORN 101.  The premise of the video is to give new performers a place to find comprehensive information regarding the adult industry.  It showcases many of porn’s biggest performers discussing various issues such as limited future career opportunities, personal relationship issues, the myriad of sexual diseases, set etiquette and even a few general business tips.

As the roughly 15 minute video came to an end my initial impressions were quite positive.  Everyone did a great job and gave some excellent information and advice.  But, something was missing: a detailed explanation of the industry’s testing system.  I would hope leaving an explanation of the testing system and how it works out wasn’t a calculated decision to avoid discussing the semantics.  The industry’s favorite motto of “Our testing system works” was noticeably absent from the video.  There were very few details included such as “We have testing protocols in place” and some suggestion about “checking performer ID’s against test results to confirm a match.”  That seemed to be about it.  As usual, a firm request for performers to practice safe sex, including condoms, in their personal lives was stressed including protected sex with spouses, girlfriends, boyfriends, escort work or casual encounters.  Although, according to Nina Hartley, condoms don’t work 100% of the time and have been known to break on occasion so I’m still unsure what the industry determines to be safe sex at this point?

With that said, any performer currently active or those individuals considering the option of working in the adult entertainment industry deserve an accurate, detailed and comprehensive explanation of the industry’s testing system to assist them in making a fully informed decision.  After all, their health is on the line here.  I’ve tried on numerous occasions to find some sort of guide to the industry’s testing system with no luck.  Therefore, here are some key points to at least get you started until the industry decides to make another video and includes a more detailed explanation of the testing system:


WHY should I get tested?

The testing system is used to inform performers whether or not they have been infected with one or multiple sexually transmitted diseases and/or infections.  A blood test is performed to determine, only at the EXACT time your blood is drawn, whether you have been infected with any diseases or infections that were included in your particular test panel.  The benefit of using the testing system is to catch any diseases or infections as soon as possible in order to start a course of treatment, if treatment is available.  The sooner the disease or infection is detected, the faster any treatment options can begin.

WHAT does the testing system NOT do?

The testing system is 100% not a form of protection.  The system wasn’t created or even designed to offer any form of protection.  The testing system is used for the after-the-fact detection of any sexually transmitted diseases or infections.  The testing system offers roughly the same exact amount of “protection” as the common pregnancy test.  With a pregnancy test, you have unprotected sex and then test for pregnancy.  The testing system operates under the same premise.  For the industry testing system, you have unprotected sex and then test for a specific panel of sexually transmitted diseases or infections.  The results will determine whether you have now tested positive or negative for each disease and/or infection included in your test panel.

HOW is the testing system classified?

The testing system was created to serve as a “Harm Reduction Program.”  These programs are used as a system of last-resort recommended for at-risk individuals participating in highly dangerous activities which contain a high level of risk.  They are set-up with the unfortunate theory that highly at-risk individuals will continue these dangerous activities regardless of the well known potential dangers.  Other examples of “Harm Reduction Programs” include the “gun buy back” and “needle exchange” programs.  A “gun buy back” program is used as an attempt to get as many illegal guns off the street as possible by buying back guns from the public in exchange for cash.  The “needle exchange” programs are generally used to trade out “dirty” needles in exchange for “clean” needles for either low or no income IV drug users as a way to limit the spread of disease through the use of contaminated needles.  These programs are generally set up by either government groups or non-profit organizations as an attempt to reduce risk to these individuals and also to help protect the surrounding local communities as well.

The adult industry testing system works exactly the same way.  Although, the industry has established its own additional recommended procedures to further reduce performer risk:

1.  Performers were previously advised to get tested every 30 days.  After the recent increase in positive testing results it was determined by the FSC that the guidelines should be changed and they now recommend performers to get tested every 14 days therefore limiting the amount of time between exposure periods from 30 days to 14 days.

2.  Most performers are encouraged to get tested at a PASS-approved testing center.  Once test results are determined, the positive or negative test results will be entered into the PASS database by an employee of the testing center as either “Pass” or “Fail” to inform producers whether performers are currently infected or tested negative for each test.  On set, performers will then use these same test results to verify clean test results for the next 14 days to work with other talent.  There is always a possibility that a performer could become infected within that 14 day period between testing dates and then not find out they had been infected until their next test date.  This also means any performer who works with the (unknown) infected performer could potentially be infected as well and will not find out until their next testing date which could be anywhere between 1 or even 14 days later.  This cycle continues until the disease or infection is caught before infecting anyone else or a moratorium is issued to shut down the industry (see below).  The performer test results you will be given ONLY show that the performer tested negative on the DAY of their test.  It doesn’t mean they’re not currently infected.

3.  For many of the more serious diseases such as HIV, the FSC may issue a moratorium on all filming.  This essentially serves to shut the industry down in order for the infected performer and their doctor to track all sexual partners.  The exposed performers who are currently included in the PASS database will be re-tested and if they test positive also then their exposed partners will be re-tested until all current PASS performers have tested negative.  Before the moratorium is lifted, all current PASS performers must re-test before shooting any new scenes.  Since the FSC is not a regulatory agency moratoriums cannot be enforced and are sometimes ignored.

4.  The FSC strongly recommends that adult performers practice safe sex in their personal lives by using condoms (or only engaging in sexual activity with other tested performers within the industry).  Unless your partner is currently being tested within the industry, you are urged to always use condoms.  This includes spouses, girlfriends, boyfriends, escorting and/or casual encounters.

As you may have noticed, the testing system relies heavily on the usage of the age-old “honor system.”  The most important aspect of the testing system to remember is that just because you are being diligent about your health by using condoms or avoiding IV drug use, etc. DOES NOT mean your partners are as responsible as you.  You should have an enormous amount of trust in every other performer you will have any contact with. It may benefit you to also look up who they have recently performed with to ensure you have a level of trust in them as well.

I began writing this article last week after viewing the Porn 101 video.  Recently, I’ve heard statements from industry leaders saying that Measure B wouldn’t have passed if the industry wouldn’t have waited so long to act.  The industry leaders have mentioned that the public just didn’t understand the industry’s wonderful testing system.  I would kindly argue that maybe the public actually DOES, in fact, have a better understanding of the industry testing system which may be exactly why Measure B passed.  Just a thought.

**Please note:  I welcome feedback on any portion of this article.  Whether you think I have incorrectly stated something or would like to see something important added that I may have missed, please let me know.  You can always leave a comment below, contact me via Twitter or even e-mail Mike and he will forward to me.  I am more than willing to change, correct, update or clarify any information contained in this article as I see fit. Also, this is not medical advice. I’m an accountant, not a doctor. I can’t answer your medical questions. Sorry. 😉**


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PORN 102 – The Adult Industry Testing System Explained

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58 Responses

  1. Lacey: Really nice piece of writing. I read this when I got up this morning without looking at the byline and thought Mike had written it. You’re gettin’ good at this.

  2. I couldnt have said it better myself,oh wait, I did. Lacey, nice to see that someone else gets it. Nice to have you on the team.

  3. The industry will argue that by removing infected people from the pool of performers you are preventing further infections, thus offering protection for the performers. Of course this does not adress that the infected person was already in the pool, and exposed who knows how many other performers, and there was no protection during the time the person was infected until he got tested.

    It only takes one bad apple to spoil the whole bunch. And there are alot more than one apple in this bunch who have no regard for their own, let alone anyone else’s well being.

    The video also failed to mention that as a performer you will bear all of the costs of testing and treatment, and if you do get HIV you will be called an irresponsilbe slut, your entire past, criminal record, prostitution, will be made public, and the industry will throw you to the curb. Then you call Michael Weinstein.

  4. @jilted – I have to give you an enormous amount of credit in regards to this article. It was the debates, fighting and clarifications from you that somewhat forced me to analyze my opinions regarding the testing system to get to an honest and accurate depiction of exactly how complicated the system is and the extreme risks that also apply.

    There was only one reason for me to write this: frustration. Expecting performers to trust in this system and accept the risks is fine. All performers are adults capable of making their own decisions. But, they deserve to know EXACTLY how the system works, why it was created and all risks involved.

    The fact that any real details of the testing system were left out of the Porn 101 video is extremely telling of how important it is to the industry to keep the inner workings of the system from getting out there..

    I get it. The industry needs a constant stream of fresh new performers. But, at least give them an explanation of ALL risks involved instead of giving some of them and then following it with some stupid fucking shit like “performers are in a fluid locked relationship.” So, performers are expected to blindly trust other performers (many of who openly the escort on the side) yet they are expected the use condoms with their spouses, girlfriends or boyfriends? Seriously?

    If you took the adult industry’s “testing system” and applied it to any other industry they would think you were either fucking crazy or just joking… There is a difference between calculated risk and just plain ridiculous.

  5. The system was designed to sheild producers from resposibility. It had nothing to do with performer safety. It was created to give producers the peice of mind that nobody had HIV on their set, therefore shielding them from any potential liability.

    And the ridiculousness of the industry mantra, “Be safe in your personal life” is truely laughable. Be safe in your personal life, so you can be as unsafe as possible in your professional life.

    Ever notice how the usual industry apologists will ask for proof of every opinion you might have, but if you ask them for proof that its safer to have sex with a porn performer than someone you meet in a bar they suddently decide that freedom of speech also gives them the right to keep their mouths shut.

  6. Oh, and I don’t give 2 fucking shits what the industry will argue… they are invested in maintaining the status quo of the testing system. I’m not. I work in the mainstream stunt industry with some of the world’s most hardcore risk takers. I know what calculated risks are and giving the impression that this system offers any sort of protection is not only irresponsible, but cruel as well…

    I was nice enough to NOT include quotes from certain performers who brag about having the option of requiring their scene partners to get tested 2 days before a scene… the SAME exact performers now fighting against condoms while praising the testing system. If the testing system worked so effectively then why do the rules change for certain performers?

    Fucking ridiculous.

  7. This entire industry is built around “SELF REGULATION” That means everybody makes their own rules. Yes, some performers require a stricter standard than others, but only those with enough clout, not just your average newbie. Thats good for them, too bad those that require a stricter standard just dont understand one simple principle,,,,The person that you required to have a two day old test worked with someone yesterday with a 14 day old test, and serviced two johns who were not tested, but for some reason you think youre more protected by requiring a more recent test. LOL
    Ahhh, the student passing on the knowledge from the professor, Well done Lacey, nice to know its not all in vain.If this were your industry thesis I would give you an A+, then expel you for plagarism.Just kidding, well done Lacey.

    hey MIke, how come you never called me a valuable asshat,,,oops asset.

  8. @jilted –
    I may be a bitchy little brat sometimes and will debate an issue to death if I feel strongly about it, but I am also an expert at one simple concept: listening. If more people would shut their own fucking mouths in an attempt to convince the world how fucking awesome they are, then they may actually hear what others have to say… it’s a pretty basic theory that many don’t seem to understand in this age of self-important narcissism.

  9. Have you ever seen the original Porn 101 done by AIM, or the updated porn 102? Best part of porn 101, sharon Mitchell and Nina hartley talking. “dont be under any dilusions, you are having sex for money, it is what it is, there are lots of names for it, but it is sex for money. Then Nina hartley says, A rose by any other name. Classic, they are calling you whores, by any other name

  10. I haven’t seen the original Porn 101 released by AIM, but I’ve heard a TON about it… From everything I’ve heard it was much more comprehensive than the recently released video (in regards to the testing system.)

    I can’t remember the exact number, but wasn’t it around 150 people who could potentially get infected from just 1 infected performer within the talent pool?

    I will say one of the best lines in the newly released Porn 101 video was Kelly Shibari letting people know that fisting and anal sex can lead to vaginal or anal tearing… I was so excited that fact was included!!! Seriously.

  11. Actually the tests are not even good on the day they are taken. You could have been infected with HIV a week ago and still test negative, which is EXACTLY what happened in 2004. And they only test the urine for gonnorhea and chlamydia so they dont catch all the oral and anal infections. What a fucking joke.


    Regular guy walks into a clinic an says he had unprotected sex with a prostitute a week ago. The clinic says “You need to get tested right away, and dont have sex with anybody else until these results come back.”
    Porn performer walks into industry clinic and says “i have had unprotected sex with ten people in the last week, and one of them did a 50man anal ejaculation gangbang.” Clinic tells performer,”Youre ok, you still have one week left on your old test, but please be cautios and use protection when you fuck your boyfriend or your next trick.” ONLY IN PORN

  12. As Mr. Mackey of South Park elementary would say,”MMM,putting things up your ass is bad, okay?”

    ps There is no way this new group would include all of the things they did in the original porn 101. And they actually think that this is going to help them in their legal battles with OSHA and AHF.

  13. Lacey/Jilted. This has primarily been a two-person back and forth, but really edifying. You guys elevate the conversation. You wonder what someone new to the industry thinks if they see in the Porn 102 Handbook that fisting and anal sex can lead to tearing and then find out that their agent has booked them for multiple anal sex shots or that James Deen says: we tore you a new one? No worries. We’ll just shove another cock up there and stop the bleeding until after the shoot.

    I also got a kick out of jilted’s take on the 50 man anal gang bang – but wear a condom when you have sex with your boyfriend. Now, if Nina Hartley was there she’d say that’s really not going to do anything except cause vaginal chafing which will make you more susceptible to an STD the next time you have unprotected sex on set.

  14. @BT –
    Lol. We’re just venting… I’m sure the industry will automatically label us as scaremongers, overly dramatic crazy people who don’t know the true statistics and want to destroy the porn industry… they do it every time.

    I’ve heard the excuses enough at this point that I can predict their responses:
    “If the system didn’t work then what are we all still doing here? We’re not all dead yet.”
    (Nice. So, unless people start dying at high rates then the system just obviously works… no need to worry about every other disease and infection out there in record numbers.. at least they’re not dying. HIV, syphilis, Hep.C. They’re manageable, get over it. At least you won’t automatically die, right?)

    “The AHF is picking on us”
    The sole mission of the AHF is to treat and prevent the spreading of HIV. I have no reason to defend them or know if there are other motives, but their mission statement clearly explains they provide treatment to HIV+ patients and work to PREVENT the spread of HIV. Unprotected sex, especially with numerous partners, is the perfect way to spread HIV. Hello?? WHAT THE FUCK???

    “She’s being paid by the AHF.. She doesn’t like sex workers… slut shaming and the other 8,000 excuses to not accept the facts”
    It’s always some extreme defense.. It’s never “I understand your points and I am willing to accept the monumental risks that go along with it… it’s always someone else’s fault: It’s the crossovers, the gays, the AHF, OSHA, the government, people who just don’t know what their talking about or they will then scream loudly about the concept of consent as if no one understands what it means… a fire fighter can consent to run into a building without a fire jacket, fire hat, hose or anything to protect him and everyone has the right to think it’s perfectly out of his fucking mind (if he even comes out alive?), but say the same thing about porn and everyone just looks around the room mumbling “but, they consented. It’s their body. No one should tell them what to do with their own body.”

    And, their absolutely right except for the fact that THIS IS A JOB. Here’s a thought: if you don’t want to be responsible and try to protect your fellow WORKERS (not sex partners) then don’t fucking do porn.

    The argument can go either way:
    “If you wish to use condoms then you shouldn’t be in porn” is the same exact statement as “If you refuse to use condoms then you shouldn’t be in porn.”
    And, who decides this rule? The producers.

    Producers can take their bullshit “workplace” consent and shove it up their fucking asses. There is no such thing as “true consent” when money enters the picture. It just means “I am willing to accept this amount of pleasure, pain, harm, enjoyment, risk or whatever else you can think of for some cash…” This isn’t a fucking party or some orgy at a random house, it’s a workplace. There are additional rules that cover the workforce because employees are not in a position to always fight for their own (common sense) protection without risking their job (and paycheck.) And, the adult industry will just sit back and go “Then they shouldn’t do porn.” Great fucking argument you got there… I wonder why every other job on earth doesn’t take that stance? They would obviously save a shitload of money.. It just might have to do with giving a shit about their employees by trying to keep them safe (even if a worker consents to having 8 dicks shoved up their ass and then sucking on a bloody cock) and this little concept know as “Liability” which the porn industry is very good at avoiding…

    Let one performer have their asshole ripped open on a set and then turn around and sue the fuck out of a producer and we’ll see how important worker safety becomes….

    How’s that for a rant? I think I’m getting my period soon because I’m in one bitchy fucking mood today… and tax season isn’t helping either.

  15. The industry testing system is nothing more than the industry bathtub. Of course I you get tested more often, because you get dirty more often.
    You work for two weeks, it used to be a month, and then you come in for your industry bath ie, std tests. I always found it funny that they say they have a “clean’ test, yes, you went to the indusry bath tub and got cleaned.
    And I love how they say that you have to get tested before you can work. LOL….You get tested AFTER you have sex to see if you caught something people.
    So there you have the back asswardness of the industry,,,,the industry takes std tests BEFORE they work,lol, it is safer to not use a condom when having unprotected sex with a prostitute, and the industry uses the LAST RESORT method of Harm Reduction as its first line of defense. ONLY IN PORN

  16. You know what’s even better?
    You get tested before you are allowed to work which means they want to make sure you’re not bringing anything “icky” into the prestigious talent pool of “never had an STD” performers and then require you to get tested 2 weeks later to prove that you didn’t get infected by one of the honest & dependable performers…

    Because, remember, you are not allowed to have unprotected sex with anyone but other “tested” performers… If that was truly the case then you would get tested upon entering the industry and then there would be no reason to get tested again…

    Oh I forgot about those horrible crossover and gay performers… it’s their fault (obviously…)

    So, essentially, they all proudly announce that they went and got tested and take the requisite pic. of their arm to show everyone how responsible they are when in actuality they’re saying to the public “Our testing system works so fucking bad that we have to get tested every 2 weeks to fight against the large number of diseases WITHIN the talent pool…”

    How much more fucking stupid could it possibly get? I guess they’re going to continue to drop the exposure period from 14 days until…. they’re tested every 2-3 days? At least the newbie performers would get the same health benefit as the more high class performers… because we all know your health depends upon how many years and how much money you’re worth from getting fucked on camera….

    Un-fucking-believable. “The industry requires testing every 14 days…. but, I use condoms in all of my scenes.. and her partners must get tested 2 days before a scene… oh, and she takes antibiotics before her tests to clear up any remnants of infection.. and oh, that one over there has been in the industry for 10 years and has never even contracted a cold much less an STD…”

    Says the talking heads who represent the performers of the industry…

    Let me explain why porn isn’t mainstream and will never be mainstream: because most civilized people of the world would never buy this bullshit if they actually knew the semantics of what happens behind the scenes… NEVER.

    Fucking garbage men are treated with more respect in the work place. At least they get to wear gloves while handling piss, shit and vomit. This is not an exaggeration or a joke. I’m serious. Think about it… logically, without writing it off as completely ridiculous. I promise it’s not even close to being an overstatement…

  17. Lacey, have you been looking up my OLD posts. Gotta love ya girl.
    years ago i wrote, “If the indusstry was is so clean then why do you have to test so often?”
    And now they have doubled the testing, why, because there is so much disease going around.

    PS that garbage man is REQUIRED to wear gloves. I wonder if the refuse collectors union would argue that its a violation of their rights to demand they wear protection?

  18. And when in the fucking shit did freedom of expression include the spreading of potentially life-threatening diseases in the workforce? Get the fuck outta here…

    If I hear one more fucking performer describe porn sex as “stunt sex” I’m going to really fucking throw a fit… You are not performing a stunt. You are having REAL sex for an extended period of time while posing and getting your asshole torn open on camera..

    WHAT STUNT IS THAT SUPPOSE TO BE? Having REAL sex on camera with REAL diseases with NO protection is NOT A STUNT. Your cock isn’t a stunt. Your vagina isn’t a fucking stunt. Having sex for a few hours isn’t a stunt… WHERE’S THE STUNT? I’d love to know because I could possibly help out in that department…

    Is the stunt not getting infected with HIV? Is that supposed to be a stunt? Shoving 2 dicks up an asshole… is that a stunt? I mean I know some girls spend a fair amount of time loosening their assholes up, but that’s NOT a god damn stunt. It’s just sticking shit up your ass so that someone else can stick bigger shit up your ass… no experience required.

    Please stop mentioning the word “stunt.” It’s truly insulting to actual stunt performers who are capable of making things “look real” that actually aren’t “real” while following all laws, rules, OSHA requirements and everything else you can think of…. Thank you. That’s all.

  19. My opinions and viewpoints are all my own. I’ve never once went back and read any of your old posts… I just debate you on a regular basis… haha. 😉

    With that said, we are both fairly intelligent people who are fully capable of coming up with these facts.. I can assure you every friend, family member or even stunt performer I have explained these points to have all agreed it’s fucked up… it’s kinda common fucking sense. We aren’t saying anything that most people wouldn’t agree with…

    We’re just saying it to a few people who are fucking delusional.. But, even the top performers advocating on behalf of other performers know it’s fucking bullshit.

    If they actually believed the system was as wonderful as they explain it to be then they wouldn’t require their own scene partners to get tested 2 days before a scene.. because we all know that just says “This system is fucking bullshit therefore I will require my scene partners to get tested 2 days before a scene because my health is more important than those idiots who have no choice but to fuck other performers with 30 day old tests…”

    And, the defense to this argument would be “Well, then they shouldn’t do porn.” which somehow implies that other performers are too fucking stupid to do porn without a 2 day old test… that would be a fair & logical argument if they actually had a fucking choice in the matter. As if new performers really understand the complexities of the testing system. There is not 1 performer out there who would turn down the choice of having their scene partners tested 2 days before a scene. It’s common fucking sense.

    So, who exactly is going to speak up about letting every performer have the same rights to protect their own health? It sure as fuck won’t be APAC.

  20. It is safer for a stuntman jump off a building with no airbag. The rubber air bag might break. It is safer for a fireman to run into a burning building without his helmet and air mask because those things restrict his vision. Its safer not to wear a seatbelf because you might get trapped in the car after an accident. Its safer not to use a condom when having sex with a prostiture because you might cause a litte chaffing.

  21. @Lacey & Jilted…you guys are the best! (bt too)…and yes Lacey this is common sense…but I gotta give it too you guys for taking the time and making the effort to keep putting it out there and maybe ultimately saving a life or two… good stuff!…as for the star(s) that require 2 day testing before hand..i bet cha they pay for that extra test…which would explain why JD went to get tested with BDM on the Friday before the shoot… just a little observational tidbit to add to the mix

  22. Just do one thing and it will be all fine and dandy.
    Do not use anymore wolf Hudsons, Seth Gambels, Xander Corvus and
    get rid of those others at ATMLA and LA Direct Renta Boy Talent.

    You won’t have anymore outbreaks and infection problems and everything will be find and dandy, Right? There probably aint going to be much shooting this year any ways and the last AVN was the last in Vegas.

  23. Problems and Consequences
    The porn industry has a problem, lots of them actually, but lets stick with the health issue. The problem is people are being exposed every single day to disease. And the consequences are people getting infected with any number of these diseases, chlamydia, gonnorhea, herpes, hepatitis,pelvic inflamatory disease, trichomonis, syphilis, and a host of others.

    But the industry does not deal with the problem of exposure, they only deal with the consequences. Testing does nothing to deal with exposure. Testing is an after the fact measure that deals with the consequences of exposure.

    The porn industry needs to deal with the problem of exposure, and let the medical industry deal with the consequences. But in porn the medical and porn industry are mixed together(CET TTS), and dealing with the consequences has become a political issue not a medical issue. We have all seen AIM,TTS, and CET be attacked, and for what, telling you that you have a disease. The politics has to be removed from the medical issues, and the industry needs to deal with the PROBLEM.

    I support the right to make condomless porn, I beleive it is a right guaranteed by the first amendment. But nothing is free. There are consequences for making this type of speech, and the person making the speech, that is the producer, should be the one paying for the consequences of whathappens in his workplace.

  24. And one more thing, The industry always says “We are the most tested workforce in the nation.” That is FALSE. Nevada brothel workers are tested every week, and they are not allowed to leave the grounds of the brothel. If they do leave,even for ten minutes, they have to be retested before they can work. This eliminates the problem that porn has, and even the porn industry acknowledges they have a problem with performers having sex with people outside the industry. The porn industry has often claimed that this type of activity is the source of most industry infections.(yeah bullshit)
    Yes, the johns in Nevada are not tested, but they also use condoms.

  25. For the record once Peter found out about the bloody cock incident he did take action to (hopefully) keep it from happening again. From what I can gather the bloody cock incident at Kink was a rogue director, not company policy. I suspect Peter never thought a director would be asinine enough to allow someone with a bloody cock to fuck a chick without a condom over it (I know I had not considered that a possibility).

    For the record a bloody cock shoved in a mouth, cunt or ass without a condom over it would not happen on my set (if I had one). In this one instance I agree that a condom should have been used at a minimum or maybe even the scene should have been called off (I personally would probably have done the latter). I am sure Mike would think likewise if a bloody cock incident happened on his set.

  26. Airbags don’t get stuck in women’s pussies almost every time they are used on a porn set causing them to have to go to the ER to get them removed or worse yet get left up there causing a severe case of BV. Neither do air masks and fire jackets. I personally think you are a decent person but give me a fucking break with this line of thinking! Also, if you jump off a ten story building without an airbag you are guaranteed to die (as Lacey can attest to probably having jumped off many buildings herself, probably at least once with her hands tied behind her in a get away from a kidnapper scene). That is not the case for fucking without a condumb.

  27. The johns aren’t required to be tested by law. I am sure some of them are testing voluntarily anyway, if I were fucking prostitutes I sure as hell would test often. Maybe johns should be required to show a test dated within the past 30 days because even with condumbs VD can pass — especially if they break and they likely will because the standard fucking session in a Nevada brothel is one hour.

  28. Actually, once the incident became publicly known Mr Ackworth decided to make public statements about making changes. And it wasnt just one ‘rogue’ director, if you recall, they said a vote was taken and everybody on the set decided to continue. These were all people who had past experience working for Kink, and obviously NOBODY thought the company would disapprove. It obviously never entered anybody’s mind that the company, Kink, would disapprove.

    Regarding bleeding during a scene. Virutally every single time a girl takes it up the ass there are micro abrasions, with or without a condom. And a micro abrasion is all that is needed to drasticly increase the risk of passing on an std, especially HIV/.

    Mharris, as a reasonable adult you say that you would have prefered the scene be stopped, but dont you think that experienced people in the industry should have come to the same conclusion. But they didnt. According to the public statements, everybody decided the scene should continue. Nowhere in the public statements did it mention that one single person protested, and that is why the self regulation is a joke.

  29. @lacey
    Another great article! Has Karen Tynan made snarky twitter comments about it yet? That’s SOP when common sense is presented as food for thought.

  30. @mharris –
    I would possibly agree with you if there wasn’t proof of shit like this happening on a regular basis… you know, like someone’s asshole getting ripped open and then shoving 2 dicks up her ass to keep the blood from coming out… yep, that was a kink scene as well… anything to finish the scene… ANYTHING.

  31. I have a feeling that in the not to distant future Karen Tynan is going to regret the day that Jeffery Douglas found her by doing a google search. She is going to be labeled a porn industry lawyer, and that aint gonna help much, seeing as how she LOST her first major test

    She was also stiffed for about $9000 by AIM. She will learn soon enough that stiffing people is standard practice in porn, no pun intended. Standard Operating Procedure.

    I wonder if Kink is going to hire her for their appeal? After all, she is the first attorney ever to be stupid enough to appeal an osha citation, and we all know how well that one worked out.

  32. @jilted –
    You know, it’s always been a theory of mine (no proof, just a theory) that HIV is primarily transmitted through anal sex which is why there’s more cases in the gay community. The vagina has the capability to expand drastically to accommodate various objects and ultimately for giving birth. The anus isn’t intended for sex which means those tiny abrasions are almost always present during anal sex (especially with larger objects) leading to a higher risk of infection. Considering the extreme increase in heterosexual anal sex/anal fisting and extreme gaping seems it would be the perfect opportunity for transmission?

    You know way more about the medical aspects than I do… does that even make sense?

  33. Oh and I just recently saw an outtake scene where the female lead during a gangbang kept stopping due to pain, then crying with a dick still up her ass, then continuing (while still crying) and then stopping (with the same dick still up her ass) and not 1 person in the room (at least 6 or 7 males) said a fucking thing… how do you fuck someone while they are physically crying and asking you not to move because it hurts too much? It’s like watching someone getting raped and then saying “Well, she didn’t stop me… so I thought it was ok.”

    Sometimes I wonder if maybe I’m just way too innocent or something and this is common practice or if I should even be upset about these scenes? Do they just write it off as “she’s a fucking dumb ass for subjecting herself to this shit and she’s nothing more than a piece of shit toy to play with? I mean someone has to do it…” Are they just drug heads? Junkies?

    WTF? I should have never watched that shit….

  34. @jilted

    The google search story is great…don’t care if she regrets accepting but I’m curious to know why a practicing attorney serving in some capacity on the FSC board would resort to a google search over using an existing contact?
    Not sure when Douglas sought her out but her name showed up as the go to “labor atty” 2008/2009 that helped Duke create the FSC health and safety manual intended for use by producers on set to prove OSHA compliance via standardized policy manual. She shows up as a paid FSC puppet mouth in minutes of public OSHA meetings yet curiously isn’t the attorney who showed on FSC behalf when OSHA held a input meeting to address updating policy defining employee.

    Looking at the numerous performer classes with varied employer responsibility attached to each is one of those “only in porn” situations. Gotta wonder how a great labor attorney lets themselves be attached to such crap…seems a bit like a chef coming out to do table side honors for self named dish whose only claim is “flat soufflé” ..the expectation is folks won’t look too close but gulp it down as acceptable bill of fare 🙂

  35. @lacey
    Got some input on this as the MSM vs MSW designations related to HIV intrigued me initially…isn’t a human body a human body? The rationale for these distinct population designations were explained in the fine print of several studies. (Counting on jilted to offer clarity …succinct info)

    MSM has higher HIV incidence and infection risk related to the anatomical nature of the anus coupled with the unavailable vagina. The ever constant fissures, polyps, and hemorrhoids of the asshole aren’t present in the vaginal canal or oral cavity..presenting optimal host opportunities for the virus.

    The vaginal/oral fluids also play a some part in std transmission rates…the rates reflect methods of survival via replication the bacteria/virus like best. HIV favors blood primarily, utilizes vaginal secretions like sperm to find a destination and hunts for vulnerabilities in the oral tract to get around the same defenses our body uses to ingest/digest the food we eat.

    The anatomy of the asshole vs the defenses of the vaginal/oral cavities also explain the higher HepC rate in MSM beyond the vulnerabilities of opportunistic infection secondary to HIV.

  36. @LurkingReader –
    Well, we’ve got the “performer advocacy group directly related to the FSC” scam known as APAC along with the TIM loss/appeal connected to her at the moment… so, her batting average is pretty low at this point… not that it really matters in the grand scheme of things…

    Your research skills are always impressive, as usual…. 🙂

  37. Damn, I knew I was on to something… thanks!
    This must also explain why HIV cases related to g/g are so low as well…

    I’m not sure how a gaping wide asshole could look any worse, but I think we just accomplished it… nothing like a gaping asshole with a side of fissures, polyps, shit, blood, tearing, HIV, Hep. C and every other thing out there and then add in anal prolapse and… I’m going to fucking vomit. Do they ever vomit into gaping assholes? That seems like it would be a fun party trick???

  38. @lacey

    Lol about why did I watch the train wreck?

    To me these incidents are awful because you have someone who doesn’t assert their limits coupled with participants and onlookers who condone pushing through or ignoring the obvious tolerance limit indicators.

    The fact that this happens often or even regularly as a part of adult filming activities doesn’t make it unique to adult filming. A close look at any sport or physically demanding occupation exposes the “no pain no gain” mentality preceding foolish risks tolerated and encouraged. From taxi/truck drivers who pursue the next run to Olympians who lose their big chance via determined perseverance to push beyond their limits.

    Granted the consequences of asshole injuries from temporary loss of control to necessary corrective surgery are ugly occupational risks that require awareness and skillful avoidance as prevention. Knowing you are a trained stunt worker who looks at every event to eliminate risks via training and techniques it’s easy to appreciate your disgust with the obvious disregard for tolerance limits.

    Using the example above I have to wonder why a safe word wasn’t employed and if the insensitive dick in her ass kept it up by getting off on her pain? Did the producer consider the tears an unscripted bonus with the consumer market in mind?

    these are scripted events where it’s understandable that the producer expects performers who can do what’s called for and isn’t going to extend the filming day for on the job training so to speak. Nor should every anal sex film include “stretching for amateurs” for untrained talent or consumers who might want to try this at home. These realities explain why numerous porn folks shout from rooftops to know what type of scene you are agreeing to do before you say yes.

  39. @lacey

    If anyone is foolish enough to consider this APAC as hope for anyone beyond the principles looking to make a buck off the non-profit donations they seek…I got a bridge that never ices over in freezing temps they can rely on too.

  40. @lacey

    Not sure about vomiting into assholes ….not counting it out for the vomit niche with ATM scenes written to include letting someone cum into a mouth to orally push cum into asshole before a partner sucks it out extended a bit more with partners then orally swapping and playing with the cum or the abbreviated version that skips cumming into the mouth and starts with ass dripping cum getting sucked out and shared. It would seem this a fun party trick because it wouldn’t be filmed if folks weren’t buying it.

  41. The funny thing is I don’t care about the money… If performers are stupid enough to give their own money away then go for it, but I hate the fact that a performer advocacy group was set up to help and protect performers that is DIRECTLY linked to the FSC. The very same organization that lies, cheats and cover ups all the bullshit that happens to these same performers… yeah, that’s real fucking ethical.

    I know. This is the wrong industry to be concerned about ethics, but I can always hope…

  42. Lol …certainly isn’t my cup of tea 🙂 sticking with “that’s the device I put my debit card into for cash” option for ATM

  43. And you think PAW founded by Bill Margold was any less affiliated with the FSC ethical culture? On paper APAC is certainly just as separate and distinct as PAW …or the educational non-profit set up by Duke with the intent of gaining non-profit tax status before they pull a Mark Kernes principled stance of not reporting to the tax man…kernes got bagged personally…the non-profits lose exemption status but remain in operation to garner donations in the name of performer assistance that is purely a dream.

    APAC with its more direct affiliations is much more ethical with the known player agendas more obvious leaving the porn supporters who have no clue as main contributors vs directly appealing to performers to support a cause in their name that will never do a damn thing for them. Compared with LaCroix begging performers to contribute to “no on government waste” originally “no on B campaign” this is much more palatable.

  44. @lacey
    I don’t care that they are setting up a revenue stream vehicle so much as the ethical culture of outright lying to performers to solicit their cash. I don’t see talent who donate as stupid for giving when approached by people in the know of porn approach them…I see the parasitic diseased greed of those in the know literally and intentionally appealing to the generosity of the new kid on the block with the lies and promises that their financial sacrifice might help another performer worse off than them. No one tells them that the worse off performer is the one in the know who couldn’t be bothered to budget their pay checks over the years. Blaming the new kid or calling them stupid for not knowing better is too much like the con taking advantage of them.

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