New Info on HIV Positive Performer


I had info previously that it was Tucker Slain, I no longer believe that to be true, Tucker is on the exposure list but I don’t think he is patient zero at this point.

Im gonna be a bit more selective now even though I think I have it right now.

I do know this….It was a Brazzers set in Florida and there are unbelievable circumstances surrounding it.

FSC is  blaming AHF because supposedly AHF is pushing shooting out of LA but that’s just posturing, it’s been out of LA for a lot longer than AHF has been around.

The real bad part will be if the rumors are true that the performer KNEW he had a positive test before he shot.

54640cookie-checkNew Info on HIV Positive Performer

New Info on HIV Positive Performer

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23 Responses

  1. Look, it’s time to be realistic and stop spreading propaganda. There was a convention, there were tons of people from Los Angeles and Florida and other states and countries too. If 12 girls are involved in the first line of quarantine, those 12 girls exposed a ton of other people too. That’s just a fact when you pay money to ship a bunch of girls in for a convention. They have to shoot, escort and dance to make it worthwhile these days.

    I worked in Miami for 6 months and LA for a year. The performers, producers and agents travel back and forth. THIS IS AN INDUSTRY WIDE WAKE UP CALL. Performers – manage your own test results and demand verified tests and IDs from those you work with. EVERYONE – USE CONDOMS. STOP DOING ANAL. STOP FACIAL CUM SHOTS.

    Better yet, just quit the industry that risks your life everyday and find your way back to the real world. It can be done. You never have to deal with this again!!

  2. If ever there was a time to promote condoms in the industry this would be one! Monthly testing may seem like it offers protection but this has proven to be false time and time again (2004, 2009, 2010). The best way to ensure safety both on and off the set is to insist that the producer provides condoms! NO LATEX, NO SCENE!

  3. Mike, you are spreading inaccurate info once again, and it’s irresponsible.

    And, no the problem is not just that production is outside of LA — the problem is that once AIM began being attacked, and eventually DESTROYED, by AHF, other labs with NO protocols in place for events like this sprung up.

    The fact remains, the last three exposures/potential exposures occurred on non-CA sets and none of the laws that AHF is demanding in CA would have done jack shit to prevent them.

    And now we have Desi “Eli’s Pimp” Foxx chiming in — and neglecting to mention that her lawyer is, drum roll please, Brian Chase of AHF. She knows where her bread is buttered.

  4. This would have happened whether AIM was still here or not, anyone with a brain can see that. This is going to happen more often, and any amount of testing and databasing isn’t going to stop it.

    We have irresponsible performers, a testing organization that is beholden to the production end and far too many people that don’t give a fuck about anyone but their organization and/or themselves…’s pwl on a different level.

  5. There’s no way in hell I’d shoot within the porn talent pool without condoms…I’d rather bareback a Thai Hooker LOL. (And No I don’t bareback Thai Hookers)

  6. Thanks Mike 😉

    I think all performers should insist on condoms! They only cost pennies and are THE MOST EFFECTIVE protection available.

  7. Here truth does matter if person in porn got Hiv in Los Angeles or Florida. Point is some people in porn are be irresponsible with with issue hire cross over male porn stars. That what bite porn industry in ass Los Angeles now Florida. Being greedy not careful gone get porn regulate not just in LOS Angeles but nationwide from west coast to east coast than no one well have right freedom make porn like make now. Porn well end up be made in Russia Poland Germany untill some scream about how make porn than well be not allowed be view in counrty. Porn industry been irresponsible handle this matter show buy way this keep happen out side Los Angeles other place make easy for people fight porn show how much they do not care about health well being porn stars. If this matter is take care of soon other people gone step in matter outside porn fix issue where no one gone like what they do. Only those living in owen world denyle in porn indusrty gone keep do this untill to late.

  8. @richard373 – No disrespect but, what the fuck are you trying to say? You write like Latka Gravas from “Taxi” spoke. You sound like UniLab’s Alper Behar on barbiturates.

    Remember your pre-life instructions. Article V has been invoked.

  9. And you’d lose that bet — at least about my Russian. I’m a little rusty, but I became fluent in elementary school when a bunch of Soviet emigres joined my class. I later had a Russian girlfriend who helped me brush up. I can read and speak it (but not write it) — although I haven’t done either in am little while. Also read/speak some Swedish, Spanish, Hebrew, French, and a little German. The benefits of a classical education.

  10. My point is that you can tell that Richard is an intelligent person and his points are easily enough understood. I never beat up on someones grammar or writing when it is obvious that English is not their native language….It’s catty.

    Try posting to a Russian board and see how well you do….

    Post here anytime Richard, pay no attention to those with nothing better to do than pick on you for that, it simply shows that they feel inferior.

  11. Michael why are so clealy offend buy opion from person out side porn seen me who cleary see this threat to like Mike South??? I could call you silly names disrepct you to but I am adult refuse sink to that. But I well say this Michael my owen opion not one share with Mike South or this web site. You remind me Baghdad Bob Michael you remember him he the guy durning second gulf war give glowing news report of how Iraq army doing well are amry marine corp drive way in heart Baghdad with there tanks as he spoke. I am sure gone say right about now what does have do with me?? I well tell you what find irresponsible that porn insider keep defend very people be irresponsible about issue try tell ever one well this not important issue have in hand clearly do not. Ever time some one like you comes long say things you remind me Baghdad Bob. Sorry Mike got my soap box all same people in porn smart ones saying thing so dumb does make wonder why porn in trouble.

  12. Richard, I am not offended by your opinion — I do not understand your opinion. That is all. I have nothing against you nor your opinion, but for the life of me I cannot make out clearly what your opinion is. If my attempt at levity offended you, then I am sorry. This is a sincere apology.

    Mike, you should know well by now that there’s no one on this site to whom I feel inferior.

  13. Michael I accept apology matter closed. You well not be frist or last person not agree my opion but that what makes counrty great allowed to.

  14. I agree that people should have the option to use condoms. However, I don’t think it is the only solution to VD spread. As was said in another article’s comments, condoms don’t always last the 40-60 minutes a scene takes to film. Condoms are also irritating to some women when fucked for that long, even with good silicone-based lubes (especially for anal). I personally use a condom every time, but I am also not adult industry talent (nor do I have the penile stamina to be talent — at least not without Caverject).

    Also, watch those Thai hookers. I don’t know about Thailand’s prostitution controls/testing requirements (unfortunately I suspect they are nonexistent) but I know of a case of HIV (supposedly) coming from Brazil’s finest hookers that have affected a certain member of adult in the late 90’s, so watch out DWB if you are serious (honestly I doubt you were serious, but the warning is still valid). For those not familiar with foreign travel (Mike and DWB already know this I am sure), I have also heard of Thai hookers that look like chicks but aren’t, so make her show her twat before paying up!

  15. @mharris127 – I agree as to your first paragraph. I’ve never been with a Thai hooker, so I have no comment on your second paragraph, but as a general principle I think one should always see the goods before paying.

    Job one is preventing HIV+ persons from entering the talent pool.

    The accuracy of any one PCR-DNA test for HIV is over 95%. When you talk about multiple monthly tests, the margin of error becomes microscopic.

    Condoms have a WIDELY reported failure rate of up to 15%! I’ve been on hundreds of sets, of which only approximately 10 were condom shoots. On those 10 or so sets, I saw 3 condom failures. This is anecdotal evidence, yes, but it is squarely in line with what I’ve heard consistently over the years.

    Michael Weinstein likes to point out that “No test can detect HIV from the moment of infection. There will always be a window period.” Yes, there will always be a risk involved in sex. All sex. But it’s a managed risk, and it’s one of which performers — consenting adults — are aware. That’s why they have to go get tested every month.

    Again, work involves risk. Sex involves risk. Stepping out of your door in the morning is risky. Hell, life is risky. Come to think of it, it’s fatal — and it’s sexually transmitted, to boot.

  16. Here good question how come there been fewer case of hiv legal brothels in Nevada??? Than there been in porn seen. The Bunny Ranch never had case hiv ever becuase they test use condoms. All kind oral anal sex goes on there yet safer than porn company make porn today. It seem porn star go work at Bunny Ranch have complain at all about have use condom there like do when not there . Being brothel not porn movie custmer come in have sex there not test for any kind deases yet turn out be safer have sexy there than porn set in counrty. Brothel industry seem have act right yet porn industry can seem get issue iron out becuase there all to bussy fight with each other.

  17. 1) The brothels also test the women who work there, Richard. They have to have and maintain a clean bill of health.
    2) I would venture a guess that the average time length of a brothel sexual encounter is not all that long.
    3) Also, contrary to what AHF and others would have you think, AIDS is not that big a problem in the general heterosexual community, unless you’re talking about drug users. One has to be infected with something before one can transmit it.
    4) Condoms.

    So, even with the breakage/slippage rates for condoms — which, no one denies, present a barrier to a large degree — you’ve got one side of the equation testing clean, and the other side at not as high a risk for HIV as, say, talent that works on the non-tested gay side of the porn business.

    Condoms are an excellent idea in real life — for reasons that, as Mike alludes, go far beyond HIV — but not so much for porn sex,.

  18. Average sexsocail encounter Bunny Ranch range between half hour to hour depend on what do there hoy much money have spend some time longer than that. How do I now that stay there two day at bunny ranch had hour long sexocail my owen. I agree with second part of said to point how ever mix cross over star who woking homosexual side street as well heterosexual side risk go much higher AHF would not agre that but than again hypocritical on subject refuse tell people higher risk geting Hiv in gay porn. Brothels like Bunny Ranch use condoms testing all time on girls but no one test there customer yet still zero rate of hiv. I well all so agree on this if porn indusrty set higher standard test of male cross over porn stars would be even talk about this becuase would happen they do not . Point out brothel sex at bunny ranch same have porn oral sex right down blow jobs same ever happens gonzo porn movie only with condom they use many condom repalce used with new so do not have breakage slippage. We both know porn industry put high high standard on testing female porn star for hiv. So question becomes one gone put high standard in test cross over male porn stars??? But Michael Weinstein does say is testing in gay porn for Hiv not even close high standard used for testing woman hypocritical porn which makes high risk get Aids in gay porn.

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