UPDATE #3 Is NOT Xander Corvus
OK When this first broke I knew something was up because of how quickly Diane Duke called for a moratorium on shooting….Now I know why.
Cameron Bay’s last scene was with Xander Corvus for Public Disgrace at Kink.com
Xander Corvus since shot with Sydney leathers, possibly exposing her and thats getting a lot of mainstream ink right now.
Look at the photo below of the “50 Man anal gangbang” yes there were really only 36 guys, I verified that…porn math ya know but the biggie is a first generation exposure was in those 50 guys.

48 Responses
Finally Its All Coming Together HIV Update http://t.co/nXb5WyRxb4
RT @MikeSouth1226: Finally Its All Coming Together HIV Update:
OK When this first broke I knew something was up because … http:…
Finally Its All Coming Together HIV Update: OK When this first broke I knew something… http://t.co/o9doXsOXj3 (via @MikeSouth1226)
This story gets more wild by the minute. Rumor has it that No. 40 was also some homeless guy that only had HIV paperwork. The poor girl who did this, Jennifer White, was recently in a car accident according to twitter and probably did this as a desperate way to pay for high medical bills. I just hope that no one has HIV and that everyone involved with this shoot rethink how they want to handle themselves as a professional adult performer.
@MikeSouth1226 that’s not Xander….that’s a guy named Wrexxx from OC
Mike…that is most definitely not Xander. Dude looks of hispanic descent. I would bet a 1000 bucks guy #3 is NOT Xander.
Sorry, #3 looks nothing like Xander, because that’s not Xander. Xander is not in this Mope line up.
If Xander were in this picture he would be up front and center.
yall are right its not him my bad
Seems all the new reports that are coming out about this outbreak are plugging the Vivid “Weiner and Me” movie. Ha! All Press is good press huh? Suckers
Chester BlackMamba Kingwood liked this on Facebook.
36 guys in the ass… Jesus. I hope someone is telling the girls who do anal that they need to have their assholes checked for HPV too, as they can and will get squamous cell anal cancers from it. However, I’m going to go on a hunch and guess that no one ever mentions that.
Looks like the shaved head white guy kneeling next to Jennifer (behind number 39 with the arm tattoo) is Wolf Hudson. Wolf being a second level exposure now puts just about all of Kink’s regular performers as third level as he performs multiple times a week at Kink for both straight and gay porn. Wolf also performs in gay porn outside of Kink as well as straight scenes on occasion so this may have just affected them as well (depending on when this gang bang was filmed) putting some of their talent pool as third level as well. Oh is this becoming a clusterfuck! Wolf being second level just spread this to almost the whole industry (don’t get me wrong, Wolf seems to be a decent performer but I have to speak the truth here and he performs a lot for Kink and occasionally for other companies).
I can see the Lawyers for these guys lining up and hustling Devils Films for Negligence. Jim powers is a real idiot and if something goes done it will be his ass and the Producer in the slammer. Guarnteed!
Wolf has done tranny shoots for Devils, but I don’t think they shoot without condoms for those. I could be wrong.
Some of these faces are familiar. Some of them that are no-namers were in 50 guy creampie with Amber Rayne. 40 was apparently a homeless guy. I’ve seen him before too. Not exactly sure where.
OK, Mike. I’m not the brightest bulb. However, if I am reading your statement correctly, you are saying that there is a guy in the photo who isn’t Xander and isn’t Cameron Bay’s boyfriend, but was exposed, yes? And by first generation exposure, you mean exposed to Ms. Bay? If I’m reading that correctly, it means there’s potential other exposures here than some of the speculation?
The black bar on my shorts appears to be censoring an erect penis. I can assure everyone that I failed to muster anything close to a boner.
yer not dim im just not a lucid writer you are correct though Xander nor Ms Bays boyfriend are in that photo but I keep hearing someone who worked with Ms Bay is
Was #39 wearing holsters with guns in them or was it just a horrible fashion statement?
And it was Devils Films a few years ago that used the HIV+ performer who had an expired test, and tried to say that AIM gave them the go ahead. This HIV+ was the center of the OSHA investigaion where they tried to get employment records from AIM. This patient zero was never outed, that is, her name never became public, but the fact is “she” was a tranny.
You’d feel much safer toting a gun around this motley crew. Jennifer took it all in stride. Or was it missionary?
To me it wouldn’t seem wise to take anal cum dumps from folks that you need to arm yourself around. To a woman it could be a hot fantasy, but porn is only fantasy to those who watch it. Those who perform in it are getting the real thing. Were they really guns?
I’ve seen that Asian guy before too. I’ll figure it out in time. 40 and the Asian may be from 50 Creampie Gangbang 8. That’s the only one I’ve seen and I have the disc around somewhere. Same with Ron’s driver. I’ve seen that guy before.
If that is the case then you have several guys who have done at least one creampie gang bang before with a homeless guy along with a guy doing gay work, tranny work, and work with a company that allows HIV+ positive people to perform.
How could one say they care about the performers and then do this?
I’m not directing that at you Mr Iron, but didn’t that enter your mind when shooting this film? Were you concerned about your own safety?
RT @MikeSouth1226: Finally Its All Coming Together HIV Update:
OK When this first broke I knew something was up because … http:…
Very disappointed to see that Ron Jeremy was involved in this. Even the most iconic person in all of porn is really just a whore. Obviously even Ron could care less about the health of the talent. But he got his paycheck, and thats all that matters. How desperate is Ron that he would whore himself out for this kind of circus stunt?
All I really have to say about that photo is toally unrelated to the issue or article thread topic.. and it’s simply “wow, that is fucking scary guys.” – that is all for now.
Maybe Ron isn’t getting much work anymore. Every time I’ve come across a scene with him in the past 3 or so years he is holding his half erect penis at the base. With his heart thing I’m not sure he can perform like he used to.
You gotta love it. It’s a sad day when anyone contracts HIV (I have had more than my fair share of friends who died from AIDS back in the ignorant days of the 80s and 90s). It’s a wretched disease with absolutely no mercy.
The 36 = 50 man gang bang scene is probably the exact reason there is a moratorium called for, because pretty much everyone in the industry at this point who has shot in the last 7 to 10 days is probably closer to this than degrees to Kevin Bacon. With all of the crossover talent, everyone from straight to gay is pretty much all within range.
I feel particularly bad for Jennifer White, a bad day to be picking to get your butt plugged by 36 to 50 guys. it’s just not a good deal all around.
Time for the industry to back up, take a breather, give everyone regular tests for a couple of weeks, and see what develops (hopefully nothing).
Sharon at AIM used to tell people that on her Porn 101/102 video. However that video is no longer used in porn (as AIM doesn’t exist anymore and some company that sells an 8 DVD set on how to get into porn bought the rights) and APHSS hasn’t produced a replacement video to my knowledge. As for what talent is told when they first test I think that varies depending on where they test, if they test in LA at TTS or CET they are (I would guess) probably given a lecture on VD but if they test in Bumfuck, LA at a satellite clinic only precariously connected to TTS or CET (as new talent would likely be testing near home before flying out to LA/SF so they can work as soon as they arrive) nothing is probably said about it.
I like your sense of humor, Brandon. I don’t know why everyone gives you so much grief on XPT. I am glad you’re back in the US and hope you can stay for a while. Sorry your arrival present ended up being a second level exposure to HIV. Hope you test negative for all VDs when you retest.
In all honesty, I thought this was a gig with Betty White. Decided to stay anyways.
Mr.Iron its a pleasure sir.
Why are u doing a Gang bang
Married and with a child on
The way? We thought you hot
OCM charges 800 bucks for
Xander. And 1500 a escort.
Let’s identify these fellows shall we?
18 – Dane Cross
39 – Wolf Hudson
42 – Brandon Iron
12 – Scott Lyons
25 – Anthony Rosano
2 – Marcus London
9 – Ike Diezel
Hiding in the Back – Eric John
Now the other guys I didn’t mention I could maybe understand them enjoying this sort of thing. But Anthony Rosano bangs some of the hottest girls in the business. Eric John has his own website to bang the hottest girls in the business. Dane Cross fucks Cassandra Nix all the time, Scott Lyons just got to fuck Tasha Reign. Why put yourself at risk for a $150 payoff, when you can make so much more just doing regular b/g? Crazy porn fans like me aren’t worth the risks these types of scenes create. Just my 2 cents.
I think you answered your own question. While you are offering 2 cents, Devil’s Films offered $150.
Remember the molluscum (sp?), Brandon? Your penis looked like a glazed donut and you were more than willing to work with me and Crystal Gold for Scott Preston!!!! $150 to use 50 guys cum as lube!!! Remember when I told you folks that the business got skanky beyond belief? Point proven over and over and over again!!!!
I apologized to you, Crystal, and Scott 15 years ago and moved on. Please try to do the same.
Correction — the guy behind number 39 is Wolf Hudson. Wolf is the white guy with Jennifer’s hand on him. I just reread my prior comment and I state that he is behind number 39 but forgot to state that Jennifer’s hand is on his head. I apologize for not being more clear. I have no idea who number 39 himself is.
I highly doubt people like Wolf and Brandon did this scene for $150 when they can earn $500 plus in a normal b/g and Wolf can earn even more doing kinky or gay porn.
Nick can’t move on because he’s stuck in the past.
WTF are you talking about Ricco? Did you hire Xander to blow you?
Every person in the pool of porn performers is at the same risk level as the riskiest person in the pool. Thanks to circus stunts like this, complete with all the circus animals, EVERYONE in the industry is now at this level of risk. The degrees of seperation are too small in this industry to think that you can be at a lower risk than anybody else.
If you worked with anybody on this set, or worked with anbody who worked with anybody on this set, you are at the same risk level as Jennifer White. Jennifer White is now the ‘standard’ on which all risk must be evaluated.
@ Billy Are you kidding? For 1500 what Male/pornstar escorts from OCM charges? $ 1500 is a lot of Lot lizzard pussy and seriously I wouldn’t fuck with both. Now maybe one of the B girls in the industry but I would have to drink and get fucked up to handle that.
I am married.
Oh! You APOLOGIZED!!! See folks! Ya get caught trying to pass a disease on to your fellow performers, and if you SIMPLY apologize ALL SHOULD BE WELL!!! And Billy? I am not stuck in the past, I am trying to stop performers from spreading diseases to the general public and Brandon Iron had ABSOLUTELY NO PROBLEM with going on a porn set with a glazed penis!!!! Why would Brandon Iron stop showing up to sets with diseases? How did that change? He was willing to do it fifteen years ago, so why wouldn’t he do the same thing now? Heck, if he apologizes for being caught all should be well, right? See everybody, that is how modern performers think!!!! Brandon Iron went on set with a glazed penis and thought it would be okay!!!!! How has that changed?
@mdxxx and anybody else, Is the Industry that BAD that you have
to have all these guys like Anthony Rosano and Marcus London and
Wolf”downmycock” . Wesley Pipes, Brandon Iron and every other established name if the Industry performing for a shitty $150 bucks or less? Now with the possibities of Exposure among them all and some of them can’t afford to test?? WTF…Smoked it up , huh??
Devil Films and FuckingStupidClowns and others need to get something together to test these Mopes and find out whats going on.
I Know one Brother who is already talking to a Attorney about being exposed to possibilities of Syphillis, Hepatitis, and HIV all on the Eve of the Federal decision in Downtown LA against Vivid and the Industry about condoms being used to LA city Limits and County.
He better get his before all these Vulcher’s come running to and sayin’
pay up Mother fuckers..(jim powers, Devil Films, FSC as defendants by the way…..
I wouldn’t be surpise if you don’t see more ATTORNEY’S and
Law Firms posting on this Forum ! Come to Me……
Okay, Brandon. Help me out here, k? Ya wake up and notice that your penis looks like a glazed donut… Still with me? I know this is involved… Okay,so you have a glazed penis (molluscum) and you have a porn shoot today!????? ,,,,, What do you do?
Answer…!!!??? You go to do the shoot anyway!!!
Question:!!!???? Where is your respect for your fellow performer, asshole?
Answer:!??? YOU HAVE NONE!!!
@iknowhy @nazzylove I’m pretty sure that is the least of the issues http://t.co/TuzhuWsPrB
shit porn gossip who knows . Speculation
Seriously, Brandon Iron!!! What were you thinking? Please enlighten us all as to how you figured you could get away with working with an obvious problem (molluscum) and not be stopped? How the eff did you rationalize going to work that day???? Please tell us all the thought process that made you think it was okay to do that in the first place???? We need to know why people like you and marcus feel it’s all right to show up on set with an infection! and don’t tell me or anyone else you weren’t aware of something being wrong with you!
Ricco, I suspect they pay the bigger names more as they are the ones that draw in customers for the scene. Jennifer (because she took 36 dicks up her ass), Brandon and Anthony were likely paid a lot more than $150. If Wesley Pipes does scenes like this he would also likely be paid more. If they don’t have a name draw for a scene like this the producers will likely lose money on the scene as 36 man gangbangs cost big bucks to produce (even at $150 per guy the male talent cost comes out to $5400 plus probably $2500 for Jennifer and production costs of at least $5000). The big names are what draws customers at $40 a pop. I would estimate the actual male talent cost is somewhere around $10K (with Anthony, Brandon and other big names making $800 or so each, maybe more for Brandon) paying the bigger names more but that extra $5K investment will probably bring in $15K in sales.