Don’t Forget The Pro Health Testing Meeting Tomorrow

OK you guys are my eyes and ears on this one and I want to hear from you on it. Everyone should be attending this performers, owners, directors, testing Labs, even The FSC. Youguys tell me what you think. I have info on the 4th generation testing they are using but I am intentionally holding off on it until after tomorrows meeting. It’s your health you should be there and asking questions….There is no such thing as a stupid question. If there is a live streaming feed of this someone please tell me.

Thanks Yall!


Wednesday, Sept. 25th 3pm

RSVP 818-268-7397 or [email protected]

Refreshments will be served.

FREE Information meeting about Pro-Health’s

4th generation HIV 1 & 2 COMBO Antigen/antibody

test which can detect HIV within a few days of

exposure. Approved by the FDA, please consider

this new test and our other STD testing panels.

ALL approved by Dr. Heidi Bauer, Chief of the STD

office of the Calif. Dept. of Public Health.


want you to know about this BETTER, more accurate

test? It can save your life — your business — and keep

your clients safe and working.

Please go to our website:

for more information.

See you soon!

Joyce L. Thomas, MHA, CPM, Administrator

Pro-Health Community Care

16101 Ventura Blvd. Suite #343

Encino, CA 91436


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Don’t Forget The Pro Health Testing Meeting Tomorrow

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