Cameron Bays Boyfriend Not in the 50 Man Gang bang with Trinity St Clair question

The big question on every ones mind has been was he a part of the 50 man anal gang bang with Trinity St Clair last week.  Based on a publicity photo I have of her and all of the cast members he does NOT appear to have been a part of that shoot.  he has identifying ink that I do not see on anyone in the photo.  Since I don’t have permission to run the photo and since I havent found it in a public place I am holding off on running it until one of those criteria is met. ( Ihave now found the photo in a public place, Jim Powers twitter….

81010cookie-checkCameron Bays Boyfriend Not in the 50 Man Gang bang with Trinity St Clair question

Cameron Bays Boyfriend Not in the 50 Man Gang bang with Trinity St Clair question

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12 Responses

  1. Sending that photo to my daughter. I’m thinking there’s future son-in-law material in there.

  2. Maybe there are 10 shorties in the back there, you just can’t see them in this photo?

  3. And also note that Jennifer White is repped by ATMLA, who just happens to be a member of that organaization who has a banner ad on right here on this site, yes, LATATA. Yes, LATATA is doing so many good things for the industry arent they? They are so open an honest, how dare anybody question the credibility of such a fine oganization?

    Can you say 1700.33 vilation? “No agent shall send, or cause to be sent, any artist to any place where the health safety or welfare of the artist could be adversly affected, the character of which place the talent agency could have ascertained upon reasonalbe inquiry.”

  4. I would be proud to call number 40 son, as I’m sure is his mother. We’ll watch the 50 man gang bang at the bachelor party the night before I walk my princess down the aisle.

  5. HAHA! Well, that’s good to hear. Number 40 apparently needs a home because he was the homeless guy from the street in that shoot. He would be gracious.

  6. hi this is number 40 im not homeless iwas just left stranded out here because my ride was impatient and left and got drunk!!! but in a way im homeless !! I just had to get away from here!! too much drama!!

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