Cameron Bay Comes forward

The performer who tested positive is doing the right thing and has come forward.  Her status is not yet confirmed  but will be tomorrow when her confirmatory test at TTS  (the original was at CET) comes back.

Until then there is a moratorium on shooting.  There are still rumors of another positive performer, a male.  I will update accordingly.

80820cookie-checkCameron Bay Comes forward

Cameron Bay Comes forward

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7 Responses

  1. Right on Cameron! Thanks for being a brave trooper and coming out and telling everybody. That is very Brave!

  2. Some might call coming forward brave. And others may call it the sensible thing to do–performers can be sued and imporisoned for concealing their STD stuatus.Cameron knew she would be outed eventually b/c social media enables news to travel quicker than ever (despite what privacy laws say).

  3. Mike you ever heard of Rod Daily?
    His da dude? Boyfriend of Ms.Bay!
    My buddy was in on that gang bang and is scared as shit now!
    He drank a whole 12 pack by himself and really looks like
    Crap right now.
    Looks like David Lord after a all weekender!

  4. Ricco, tell your buddy (whoever he is) that I feel badly he was essentially second generation in all of this. I think we feel for all of the potential exposures whether first, second or third level. I am also sure we also feel really badly for Cameron whose life just changed drastically.

    From past outbreaks I can say that most likely a second generation person won’t get HIV but that isn’t for certain unfortunately. It is also much harder to spread HIV from woman to man than it is the other way around. However if it were me in that situation I would be doubly concerned as well.

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