Another HIV Positive

I was out running errands all day and just got home to a call that theres another HIV in the talent pool, apparently this one isnt in L.A. but the FSC is calling for a 3 day moratorium…more as I get it.

110740cookie-checkAnother HIV Positive

Another HIV Positive

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17 Responses

  1. Mike, Did we ever find out more about the whole Nina Elle thing? It seems like she was positive, then negative, then everything got swept under the rug.

  2. Prayers for anyone involved. At least Dianne Duke has admitted to onset EXPOSUREs. Testing prevents nothing, No exposures were prevented because of testing. The only reason an exposed person does not become infected has nothing to do with testing.

    And who the fuck cares if the exposures were in LA, Florida, New York of jucking Jupiter. Performers travel, and their partners travel constantly.

  3. I wonder if it involves any of the guys I’ve been with? I just love the test of those guys in Porn so much I stalk them.

  4. Hey PORNO DAN: Fuck that FSC order. Keep shooting. You live in a warehouse and have bills to pay. It doesn’t involve the LA talent pool and you. So keep shooting.

  5. The phones over at The Luxury Companion are ringing off the hook right now. The girls need work.

  6. That isn’t a bad idea. Some trolling is entertaining but I think the amount of trolling has increased to the point where it is detracting from the purpose of this blog.

    As for the possible HIV positive performer, assuming this isn’t another false positive I wish him/her the best and hope that he/she finds treatment and lives a long, fruitful life. Of course I really hope this is a false positive but if it is then it would be the second false positive in a year — if this one is a false positive and from the same lab as the prior one was from it would make me wonder if the lab is capable of doing their job and if porn shouldn’t rethink using that provider for the required VD testing to perform in the adult film industry. If the same lab is producing multiple false positives in a short time span then my concern is whether they are also producing false negatives, maybe not for HIV (which is relatively rare anyway) but for the more common VDs such as gonorrhea and chlaymidia.

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