Comments on: A Little More On The HIV Situation The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Mon, 09 Dec 2013 22:52:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: erik2690 Mon, 09 Dec 2013 22:52:30 +0000 In reply to LurkingReader.

Not a performer. Not connected to the industry in any direct way. I watch porn, that is my only connection. I need a personal stake in the issue to have a disagreement with you on some of these issues.

By: jilted Mon, 09 Dec 2013 19:54:47 +0000 In reply to LurkingReader.

In 2004 Darren James infected three girls, all within a single 24 hour period. The only reason more girls werent infected is because he didnt have any sex with any other girls on that fateful day. Eric, maybe you can tell Lara, Jessica, and Missy how astoundigly unlikely it was that they got infected all on the same day.

By: DannyOcean Mon, 09 Dec 2013 19:39:47 +0000 In reply to BrookeTyler.

James Deen & Manuel make $10-$20K per month.

By: DannyOcean Mon, 09 Dec 2013 19:36:30 +0000 The big question is what was TJ doing privately from 10/25(his last clean test) thru 12/03 (his first bad test). And why would he still want to do a cam show with Pressley Carter for so little (if any) money.

By: LurkingReader Mon, 09 Dec 2013 14:58:59 +0000 In reply to erik2690.

I’m a great researcher and policy queen, it’s what I like. Not liking some industry policy is a direct result of respecting those who choose to work in the industry. I don’t like that metal workers get burns either but I’m damn glad we have people who choose to be welders.

By: LurkingReader Mon, 09 Dec 2013 14:37:55 +0000 In reply to erik2690.


No rhetoric or spin here….if the data in the industry were available or what was available was verifiable we could actually make that distinction.

There is no accurate data for on set performers, nor for escorts nor for escorting performers who work onset too, all of who me can be reasonably assumed to have a personal sex life beyond what they do for a paycheck. Although some might be too tuckered out from paid sexwork to seek the same for personal gratification, instead choosing other methods of all the good stuff psychologists and scientists say we get from sex.

Understood that you were referring specifically to HIV which is exactly why I used asbestos argument. Please if you are a performer…don’t worry about all the laws that started a long time ago…don’t worry about stats to justify and rationalize your choice to work in porn…beyond the fact that you chose your job it’s no ones business why you did. 🙂

Please focus instead on learning about the here and now disease that is transmitted via unprotected sex. Learn about the ones the industry doesn’t test for too…knowing the signs and symptoms of your risks will be your best way to seek appropriate testing and treatment should it happen to you.

By: Bon Vivant Mon, 09 Dec 2013 13:02:14 +0000 In reply to Toby.

@Toby: The most relevant analog are Hollywood stuntmen: you don’t see the wearing helmets when they jump off buildings do you? Or wear visible body armor or anything else that will break the illusion. All precautions are invisible, just like porn testing, but unlike condoms.

And don’t tell me that porn is more dangerous – a lot of stuntmen have died making movies
Heck, lead actors like Vic Morrow and Brandon Lee have died on set due to stunts gone wrong.
You on the other hand can’t name a single hetero-porn actor who has died, even years after the fact, due to HIV caught on set.

By: Bon Vivant Mon, 09 Dec 2013 12:51:26 +0000 In reply to MikeSouth.

Mandatory testing on all gay shoots would probably do more.

But I am genuinely curious: why do producers continue to use crossovers? Isn’t there a long line of would be male talent waiting to get in the business? Sure in decades past most of them would have wood problems, but these days they can just pop Viagra like Tic-Tacs and stay hard.

By: erik2690 Mon, 09 Dec 2013 12:06:28 +0000 In reply to LurkingReader.

Your right I know nothing about lawyers vs. porn. I truly don’t. To be honest I probably will not look into that aspect. I like checking in here once and a while, throwing out some opinions and try to find some stats or facts to back those up.That’s kinda it though. I probably won’t ever know too much about the ins and outs of many aspects of the porn biz. So, I have 0 idea about the layering for and against porn. I will trust and cede to you on that subject.

By: erik2690 Mon, 09 Dec 2013 12:00:23 +0000 In reply to LurkingReader.

I really can’t debate any 1998 stuff. I am a young adult and honestly I’m not going to make it my job to know all the cases. I’m making my arguments based on evidence I look up or at least a solid base of opinion and understanding. At the same time I’m not going to dig into every case, so you may have the upper hand on me. I am not 100% sure that those recent 3 didn’t get it on set, but considering their bf/gf and friend status’s it seems logical and likely that they passed it amongst each other.

“Do you not believe unprotected sex is a direct causation to disease transmission?”

Of course, but I think the argument should be framed as unprotected in the biz vs. unprotected in general population. If the % gap is not large in that comparison then I don’t agree with some of the rhetoric that happens. We let general population consent to unprotected sex. If the % gap in diseases is not significant after years in the current system then I don’t totally understand a government mandate. I am mostly talking about HIV in this thread because that is the situation at hand and what this post is about. Also, it’s one of the more serious/life altering diseases from sex.
