Comments on: A 4th HIV Positive The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Tue, 04 Jul 2023 10:39:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: kate Wed, 11 Sep 2013 06:37:36 +0000 In reply to Lacey.

I totally agree with you. I think the performers are either fucking stupid, delusional or they have a death wish. There is no other explanation. And some performers are even still fighting on twitter about not wanting to wear condoms.. A lot of them are acting like nothing is going on in the industry with HIV. They are out of their fucking minds!!!!.. It’s sad but at the same time you can’t help but laugh at how stupid they are..

By: Lacey Wed, 11 Sep 2013 06:00:21 +0000 In reply to kate.

The only other way the testing system could potentially work is you took all performers and tested them at the same time and then kept them all locked in a building assuring no contact with the outside world….
The thing that I completely don’t understand is HOW DO PERFORMERS NOT SEE THAT THE TESTING SYSTEM ONLY WORKS AT CATCHING ANY DISEASES TO LIMIT EXPOSURE TO OTHER PERFORMERS… But, in one 15 day period there could reasonably be anywhere from 1-100 positives depending on who’s fucking who and who those performers fucked before that….
It seems like common fucking sense….? Are they brainwashed? Do they just not give a shit? Do they just blindly believe the mantra that “Our testing works!”?
Well, I guess you could say the testing does work… It lets you know what disease you ALREADY have AFTER you have contracted it… is that their only requirement? “I’m good, just let me know when my HIV or Hep. C shows up. ok? Thanks!”
Fucking ridiculous.

By: kate Wed, 11 Sep 2013 05:21:05 +0000 In reply to Lacey.

@ Lacey: Exactly, The testing in the industry is a joke. A performer can take a blood test today.. comes back clean tomorrow.. go fuck someone…contract HIV.. keep spreading it around until they get tested again in 2-4 weeks… Plus negative test results within the first three months of exposure to HIV could be false…

The only way this system would work in preventing disease would be for the performer to be tested every day…that’s not gonna happen.

By: Lacey Tue, 10 Sep 2013 23:30:27 +0000 In reply to jilted.

@jilted –
My comments are pure SPECULATION. I am not accusingly ANYONE of ANYTHING. I feel like this should be a non-issue since my comments are coming directly from my viewpoint of testing industry rules, procedures and strategies.
But, the fact remains that both you and I are speculating. I couldn’t prove there is non-reporting going on and you can’t prove that the doctors/labs have never not reported a positive test.
While I definitely agree with you that both doctors and labs are probably beyond ethical and follow every law on the books, there is almost always a possibility present given any scenario. It just depends on whether anyone decides to challenge the system.


By: jilted Tue, 10 Sep 2013 23:16:06 +0000 In reply to Lacey.

Lacey, agree completely with your last post. This type of system, in the medical field, is known as a ‘harm reduction program.’ that is, you accept the fact that people will get infected, and the purpose of the testing is to identify it as soon as possible and to contain it as soon as posible. This is NOT prevention, as you correctly state. For what it is supposed to do, the system works, that is quick containment of infections.

But the industry has replace ‘harm reduction’ and mistakenly calls it prevention. I just have to laugh whenever I see someone saying “You have to get tested BEFORE you can work,” when in reality you go get tested AFTER doing something.

The testing system is nothing more than the industry bath tub. The porn industry says performers are cleaner than the general public, but in truth they just scub off the disease more often. Why do performers need to go to the industry shower so often, because they’re dirty.

By: Lacey Tue, 10 Sep 2013 23:08:33 +0000 In reply to Lacey.

Oops… that was for @mharris.

By: Lacey Tue, 10 Sep 2013 23:02:00 +0000 In reply to mharris127.

There are a few problems with your proposal:
1. It would only work if every single performer did not escort or have sex in their personal life.
2. Once they are tested at that 30 day mark, then they could essentially have unprotected sex the next day and contract HIV which would mean you would have an HIV+ performer in the pool how could potentially infect every single person they work with and then it would just keep spreading from there during the entire 15-30 days before they get tested again.
THIS IS WHY THE THEORY OF TESTING IS FUCKING BULLSHIT! I still don’t understand how people are not understanding this? There is a 15-30 day period where HIV could potentially spread like wildfire until the HIV+ performer is tested again…
As I and others have stated recently, the ONLY purpose of testing is to let you know if you have caught anything… it has absolutely NOTHING to do with prevention!

By: jilted Tue, 10 Sep 2013 22:58:02 +0000 In reply to mharris127.

Lacey, you last post contains some major factual errors that I am sure Mike will be adressing shortly. And there is not a snowb alls chance in hell that any doctor or lab would risk thier license over something so easily proven. After you test positive there are tests that are done as a routine part of your treatment, called cd4, and Tcell tests. All of these tests are also reported to health departments. There is NO WAY that there is ‘non-reporting’ going on here, no way in hell.

@mharris Everybody calls Michael Weinstien names, until they catch HIV, then the just call Michael Weinstien. Funny how Michael has stepped up and has been treating porn performers for years, and the industry has NEVER provided for a single hiv+ performer.

By: Sara Nadaud Tue, 10 Sep 2013 09:17:14 +0000 Sara Nadaud liked this on Facebook.

By: mharris127 Tue, 10 Sep 2013 09:05:02 +0000 How many more HIV cases are hiding in the woodwork? I recommend a one month shutdown with every performer testing at two weeks out and one month out (I don’t say this off the cuff, either). By then the testing should have caught all cases of HIV (if everyone abides by the shutdown) and we can go back to producing in relative safety. I know I am dreaming if I expect the FSC and companies to actually follow my advice but I think a one month shutdown is reasonable and would actually be enough to catch all of the HIV cases.

As for the comment on Michael Weinfuck, he is a grade A asshole but at least he does seem to treat all HIV positive people that come to him for assistance. If he wasn’t such a prick otherwise and pushing for condoms in porn (which would NOT reduce the risk) I would probably donate to his organization. As it is society does need an organization to poor treat HIV patients at no cost without being run by an asinine power-hungry prick like Weinfuck.
