Twitter To Close Accounts of Many Porn Chicks

If you bought twitter followers to raise your popularity, twitter has announced that your account will soon be terminated.

Many porn chicks do this to appear to be even more popular than they are, to help in booking escort and feature dancing gigs etc.

It baffles me that anyone would believe that some no name chick has 400K followers but what the heck…anyway twitter has it in for you…

61580cookie-checkTwitter To Close Accounts of Many Porn Chicks

Twitter To Close Accounts of Many Porn Chicks

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3 Responses

  1. I don’t yet have a twitter account. I have read many of the twitter pages of porn actresses. How would someone pay to get twitter followers? I have facebook and myspace pages. Do people on these other social networking websites do the same thing as you say many porn actresses are doing on twitter?

  2. yes many social networking sites have this google buy twitter followers or buy facebook followers tons of people sell followers.

  3. Any idea when this is going to happen Mike? I haven’t seen anything about it online. It doesn’t surprise me though.

    BTW Derrick Burts’ former agency OC Models is putting male models on their roster and lo and behold two of them are crossovers. Some things never change.

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