Markus Dupree’s Wife Wins XBIZ MILF Performer of the Year

Last night Markus Dupree’s wife — Bridgette B was given the award for the XBIZ MILF Performer of the Year.

As far as we can tell, to date she has not acknowledged her husband’s scandal or his part in the August Ames suicide. Or did she?

There is also another video from earlier that night that she calls “my truth”. I think that one is even more telling.

What do you think? Is she subtly addressing the controversy with her husband without mentioning him or is she talking about something else all together?

325352cookie-checkMarkus Dupree’s Wife Wins XBIZ MILF Performer of the Year

Markus Dupree’s Wife Wins XBIZ MILF Performer of the Year

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2 Responses

  1. She’s not gonna slam her. He might not have given her all her money for that greencard wedding.

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