I think of all the education that I’ve missed

I spent a good bit of this morning at school re-enrolling Male Offspring #2. He dropped out in the 10th grade, and no amount of talking could get him to change his mind. Not even when I pointed out that he’d have to live with ME for the rest of his life. Yesterday he saw a story on the news about a hott teacher who had sex with her male student, so he suddenly has the “incentive” to finish his education. He asked me to enroll him in a class with “that teacher or one like her.” Considering she’s in jail, that might be a bit difficult. Now I don’t even have the heart to tell him his new teacher is a 62 year old guy.

When Mike first switched over to this new format, he asked me if I wanted to buy ad space for my Hott Cops site. I said, “Why in the world would I want to buy ad space for a site that doesn’t bring in money?” Especially when I can post the link right here for free…

Kari writes: “Goddess, you watch porn, right? Does your S.O. have a problem with it? My guy hates when I watch and I don’t know what to do. It’s a big issue with us.” Yes, I watch porn, Kari, and no, my husband doesn’t have a problem with it. I’m lucky that way. Heck, he’s the one who got me started on it. I suggest you hide your porn stash after carefully re-labeling it all “Future Craft Projects”. Guys hate craft projects. BTW, I just read a story about a chick in NY who was so pissed after she found her bf’s porn stash that she shot and killed him, so make sure you don’t hide your porn in the gun cabinet. Happy viewing!

Speaking of porn, tomorrow I’m going to review Handy Man, a line of masturbation vids directed by Tina Tyler. I feel kind of like the bride who got married eight months ago and still hasn’t sent out “thank you” notes every time I watch the vids, because I never took the time to email Tina and tell her they’ve become my favorite vids!

For your reading pleasure, especially if you’re a stripper. All you ladies over in Dayton, tell Tim you’re only going to work when you’re ovulating…

10840cookie-checkI think of all the education that I’ve missed

I think of all the education that I’ve missed

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Mike South

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