How I love being a free (wo)man

South very nicely informed me that I was the only one of this new fearsome foursome that hadn’t posted. And when I say he was nice about it, I mean he ragged on me.

I’ve often thought that my life was incredibly boring, but I’ve never quite been able to prove that theory until tonight. On the way home from work, I realized that I know all the words to “Me & You & A Dog Named Boo”…

Be careful what you ask for, Mike.  You just might get it.

20030cookie-checkHow I love being a free (wo)man

How I love being a free (wo)man

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One Response

  1. “Rider’s on the Storm,Riders on the storm.. into this house we’re born” they play that drivel every time it rains..
    Want some tickets to the My Little Pony Show?
    How about comin’ with us to the Wormwood & Gall Temple of Praise tomorrow?

    Boring…Boring..yeah I know that tune fer sure…

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