Harriet Miers Steps Down But Goddess Got It:

I’ve heard a lot of talk about Harriet Miers’ nomination to the Supreme Court. People are pissed because they feel she isn’t experienced or she’s too evasive about her stand on various issues, such as abortion. Not ONE person is touching on the REAL problem here: that damnable black eyeliner she wears. NOT ONLY does she wear it on the top lid, but on the bottom lid, too! What woman her age does that? Oh, I could see if she was a stripper or starring in Cum Sucking Grannies, but neither is the case, so enough is enough, Harriet!! She’s not fit to sit on the Supreme Court because if she can’t even clearly see the bad makeup on her own face, how is she going to clearly see each situation that comes before the court? It sends terrible chills up my spine just think–oops, I forgot to shut the window. Never mind about the chills, but the eyeliners still gotta go.

This is why when I don’t feel like writing I get her to do it…damn, that’s funny.

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Harriet Miers Steps Down But Goddess Got It:

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Mike South

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