From Goddess:

As much as it pains me to say nice things about Mike South, and believe me it does, I have to say something now. A bit of background first. I emailed a friend about a mutual acquaintance who wanted to interview a porn chick. (Are you with me so far?) He had as big a crush on this chick as I have had on all the guys in my life I think, so when I heard that she was going to allow him interview her–even if it was just an email interview–I was really happy for him. This was quite some time ago, and it came to mind yesterday morning. So I asked my friend if this guy was still in touch with the actress now that the interview was over, and he said that not only was he not in touch with her, but she never even answered his interview questions. To put it simply, this blows.

When I emailed Mike lo so many, many years ago, I honestly did not expect an answer. And if I did get an answer I figured it would be some lame “join my fan club/site” sort of form letter. But it wasn’t. He took the time to answer my questions and comments. The point is this probably took him about 5 minutes total, but the impression it made on me was much more lasting.

Several years ago, I wrote a fan letter to John Leslie, again, never expecting to get a response. A year went by, and one day I answered the telephone and guess who it was? John Leslie. I was absolutely stunned, but right then and there, he had a fan for life. Again, it only took him a few moments, but the fact that he was willing to do so told me so much about his character.

Just like I will always remember in a positive way what these two guys did, I’m sure this mutual acquaintance will remember Miz Ireland’s actions in a negative way. If you are in a business where your livelihood depends upon others, be it singer, actor, writer, stripper, whatever, you owe those people a moment of your time when possible, be it by way of an autograph, an email or a picture. Fricking them off and thumbing your nose at them is not the way to go about showing your fans how much you appreciate their support–be it emotional or monetary. While you may not remember them, I can guarantee they will remember you. How they remember you is totally up to you.

I honestly feel that when you are in a business where your livlihood depends on fans spending their money to see you dance and buy your videos, you need to treat these people with the respect that you yourself want to be shown. People who are too damn busy to take a few minutes to answer a letter or sign an autograph or have their pic taken

I posted this for a reason other than the fact that it praises me. Honest I did! All to often people in this business begin to think that they are more important than the “fans”.

To the people in this business….Allow me to remind you of something, you are not doing anything great for the world, you fuck for a living. That in and of itself is nothing to be overtly proud or ashamed of. This guy who is asking for your autograph, your picture or just a smile from you is paying your bills and you damn well best not forget that.

I have said it before and I will say it again, I am uncomfortable with the idea that I have fans, I don’t like to think of my readers, my members and my customers as “fans” because that implies that I am more worthy to them than they are to me and that is not how I feel.

When you tell me you are a fan of my videos or of my site or of my writing I really do appreciate that but just as was the case with Goddess you are a potential friend. I much prefer having daily readers and viewers to having fans and if I have not said it enough I want to make it very, very clear again.

I am here because of you, you are not here because of me. I owe what I am and what I do to the fact that you support me. Never, ever let anyone who performs for you forget that fact, whether it is in a stadium, a concert hall, on your televison or on a big screen.

It is a priviledge to do what I am doing and I appreciate the time that you allow me to spend on your monitor or television set. It allows me to do this and that makes me very happy.

Thank You!

6980cookie-checkFrom Goddess:

From Goddess:

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