(3 p.m.) Make sure you mark Saturday and Sunday’s date on the calendar because site being updated on a weekend happens about as often as Comet Kohoutek comes around.

BTW, I wrote a paper on Comet K in high school and I received an “A” for my efforts.(Yes, it *was* one of the few high points in my life.) Every time Mr. G sarcastically asks what I got in science, I smack him over the head with that paper and say, “Feels like an “A” to me, smart boy.”I’m heading back home today, which means your caped crusader is about to return to the bat cave. I had a great time yesterday BBQ’ing with a bunch of trailer trash I met in Conyers. We even had a ho’down complete with lots of ho’s.

I’m disappointed that I didn’t get to Griffin, Georgia. I wanted to stop in at the PD and tell them their Chief is a hottie. He even made my hottcops blog. Have I mentioned my blog? Nah, I probably shouldn’t talk about cops on a porn site. Oh, look. I just did.

So I’m busy packing up my stuff, along with some of South’s stuff that is “steal-able” and I’m checking out the CNN news at the same time. It’s funny, but when Robin is anchoring in the morning and the weather dude comes on, you clearly see him standing about five feet away from her. Yet in the evening, we’re told the guy is in the “CNN Weather Center” and they use a split screen. Puhleeze. The CNN “weather center” is probably some geek in the corner hunched over his computer stealing the weather from the Weather Channel.

Dirty B(o)(o)b writes: “You have me confused. You state that there are no stars to be seen at night in the Atlanta skies. I figured that, after all those trips to that big Disease Center in Atlanta that apparently solely exists to give South fodder for AIM bashing…and South’s subsequent and frequent passing through that radioactive gate they have at their door to kill diseases…a logical assumption would be that (once you turn off the lights) the ceiling in South’s bedroom would be saturated with glow-in-the-dark cum stains (which are much better than those Wal Mart sticky-stars you bought for your trailer).
Unless, of course, that you aren’t brave enough to douse the lights in his bedroom…which is something which nobody would ever think of faulting you for… “
Bob, we all know that when South is involved, splooge doesn’t land anywhere but on a chick’s face. And FYI, I don’t *have* sticky stars at the trailer. I can see the real things perfectly fine through the holes in the ceiling, thank you very much. “Sticky stars..” mutter, mutter,…he says that like I’m lowbrow.

I’ve loaded the Hoveround into the Rio so all that’s left is to turn South’s refrigerator way high and turn the water on in the shower. I’m going to be nice to him this time. I’m going to safely lock the key inside his place so that it doesn’t get stolen. Why? Because I care, that’s why.

Later, kids.

(noon) Oooh, sad news from Pittsburgh this morning. Steeler quarterback Ben Rothlisberger has been involved in a motorcycle accident on the Tenth Street Bridge and Second Street. Rothlisberger, who apparently was not wearing a helmet at the time of the accident allegedly has severe head and facial injuries. A woman was attempting to make a left hand turn in his path, although he had the green light, and apparently he couldn’t stop in time and went into her windshield. The paramedics and police officers said Ben tried to stand when they arrived on the scene, but he got to his knees then collapsed.

The news reported that Ben’s refusal to wear a helmet when driving his motorcycle has been addressed several times within the Steeler organization. I mention this, of course, because South is a HUGE football fan. Ironically Ben talked about the issue of not wearing a helmet 45 minutes prior to the accident on FOX news.

18770cookie-check(3 p.m.) Make sure you mark Saturday and Sunday’s date on the calendar because site being updated on a weekend happens about as often as Comet Kohoutek comes around.

(3 p.m.) Make sure you mark Saturday and Sunday’s date on the calendar because site being updated on a weekend happens about as often as Comet Kohoutek comes around.

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