The FSC has an opportunity will they bury their head in the sand?

Remember back during InterneXt when FSC head honcho Bill Lyon got all bent outta shape at the idea of forming the Internet Freedom Association? Saying that the FSC does everything that the IFA could do?

VISA is about to levy a 750 dollar annual fee to everyone who uses CCBill, Ibill, and others to do website billing, this doesn’t apply to all websites, just adult sites. You can bet your ass Mastercard will follow suit. Now to most of you that doesnt mean much…hey for only a little more I can open my own merchant account and just do the billing myself…EXCEPT I lose all my customers because they have to sign up again under my new account. So I am being held hostage by VISA and CCBill.

Now it seems to me that this fee serves no purpose other than to price gouge us adult websites, It also seems to me that it potentially violates federal anti trust and free trade laws.

This is where you come in Bill Lyon, here is your chance to do something of VALUE for the people you want money from. Call J. D. Obenberger and immediatly get an injunction halting this action pending the legal action that you will file to stop it in its tracks, you guys do that and I will bet you will see a lot more money headed your way from us internet porners. This is something that effects us all and it is the first step to using economic policy to regulate the adult industry. Hell I will donate.

I’m not holding my breath though.


5330cookie-checkThe FSC has an opportunity will they bury their head in the sand?

The FSC has an opportunity will they bury their head in the sand?

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Mike South

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