Shame Shame Shame on the FSC:

The Free Speech Coalition has led everyone to believe that if you are an FSC member you are exempted from 2257 prosecutions untill the lawsuit has been settled. Well Lo and Behold that is not entirely true. The exemption only applies if you are a “secondary producer”. In other words if you shoot your own content, you are NOT protected, this is a small detail the FSC left out when they were lobbying for members.

Is The FSC Chickenshit?:

Now here is what I don’t get. Why isn’t the FSC challenging 2257 on grounds that would protect all of us from Congress, who has passed this law with the sole intent of shifting the burden of proof mentioned above. 2257 allows the feds to prosecute and convict a pornographer whose ONLY crime is not being able to prove he didn’t commit a crime, and for those of you who attended public schools this is ass backwards from our long standing legal premise that the burden of proof is on the prosecution. Why isn’t the FSC challenging the law at this level?

19180cookie-checkShame Shame Shame on the FSC:

Shame Shame Shame on the FSC:

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Mike South

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