My bit on the FSC actually drew some attention:

A big company owner writes:

“I was thinking the exact same thing about that meeting.” [The FSC Meeting]

XXX Writes:

“Enough can’t be said about the Free Speech Coalition I was once closely tied to the Spectator in San Francisco, and Kat Sunlove was one of the biggest con-artist thieves I’ve ever had the misfortune to come into contact with. When she realized that she had squeezed the Spectator into near-bankruptcy paying for her horses, her ranch, her constant trips, and her moronic husband’s inflated salary to be “editor” whose real job was to keep an eye on things and make sure nobody saw the books, she then decided to seek another fertile scamground — the FSC. And, of course, she’s just one story in a much-storied den of con-artists, incompetents and thieves. “

1970cookie-checkMy bit on the FSC actually drew some attention:

My bit on the FSC actually drew some attention:

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