Maybe We Can Learn Something From Hungary

it appears that this is being handled MUCH more professionally in Budapest than it is here.

An XXX Insider writes to me:

“There are now 30 confirmed positive Syphilis cases (and climbing) in Budapest and that is from the owners of the largest porn agency in Budapest. The first one was recorded July 30 after Mr. Marcus’ which was around July 15, give or take a few days. I firmly believe that it is not coincidental that there are cases there and in USA and that Mr. Marcus is responsible as Patient Zero.

One thing Mike; as opposed to here in the USA, the 3 porn agents in Budapest all are friendly with each other and have come together in their syphilis crisis. Furthermore, the agencies are strong and NOBODY; neither the directors or talent, book around their respective agents!

In Budapest; except for the 30 positive talent, NO TALENT IS BEING REQUIRED TO TAKE AN ANTIBIOTIC INJECTION! What they have done: When word got out on August 7 (August 8 there) from the 1 clinic in Budapest (named Interlab Laboratium) that every talent has to use, that within 3 days there were 11 syphilis cases , all shoots were cancelled immediately. All talent was notified to go to the Interlab which has 3 doctors and 3 phlebotomists (the place is amazing) to get a RPR test (BTW – The RPR only shows if one has an active syphilis infection!) The Interlab doctors advised them to come back every 7 days to get RPR re-tested (for the amazingly high price of $10) until September 3. That last test scheduled for approx. 2 weeks from now, will be the more specific (and expensive) Syphilis test; the TPHA, which checks:

1) For Those Positive for Syphilis: Whether you ever had Syphilis; had treatment and are now dormant.
2) For Those Negative for Syphilis since testing for almost 4 weeks: Checks for sign of antibodies to the bacteria that causes Syphilis so will show if you ever had Syphilis in your life. Of course, the previous rounds of consecutive RPR tests will conclude that the individual was not caught up in these outbreak, but the TPHA will show that maybe a scenario existed previously (from when they were 1 day old, as well) that someone did not know they had syphilis, got another bacterial infection (from tooth extraction, surgery, etc.) and received a penicillin injection and – Magic…Syphilis gone!

I have a great urologist and she taught me a lot these last few days. I have 2 negative RPR tests and have not had on-camera sex since May 23 in Budapest.”

64840cookie-checkMaybe We Can Learn Something From Hungary

Maybe We Can Learn Something From Hungary

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One Response

  1. Here what doing right doctors hosptals are fight syphilis out break Hungray know handle it responsable maner. What US porn indusrty doing leting people that are not doctors or hosptals give out penicillin shots in hope that might work stop spread syphilis have no clue if gone work becuase there not doctors or hosptals not keep real good track record of who getting those shot why they need them if they do not have syphilis. You be safer Hungray porn indusrty than be US.

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