Just Like a Cock Roach The FSC HATES the Light

Following my post yesterday and a few responses to the FSC via twitter The FSC showed their true colors, they blocked me from following them on twitter LOL.

You see when you shine the light of truth the cockroaches and scumbags will scatter everytime.

Good job FSC  you say you want the truth but your actions speak louder than words.

And let us not forget you Joanne, when I threatened the FSC with bringing hell to their doorstep Joanne contacted one of the performers and told her never to order me to contact the FSC.

What a chickenshit move, when I emailed Joanne and pointed out that nobody orders me to do a DAMN thing and if she has a problem with me to adress it to me.  Think I heard a word?  Nope, much easier to bully a female performer…FUCK YOU Joanne.

You people are as gutless as the scum at PWL.

But on the bright side you give me fun things to rant about….carry on…I still got the light and I’m still watching.


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Just Like a Cock Roach The FSC HATES the Light

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One Response

  1. Just so I understand…

    The FREE SPEECH coalition blocked you on twitter because they didn’t like what you were saying?

    That is beyond awesome.

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