Inerview With Mr Syphilis Coming Today

Unfortunately he didn’t grant it to me.  He did grant it to AVN late yesterday

As soon as it goes up I will link it here and of course provide my thoughts.

Meantime, there is a lot of pressure on Diane Duke to step down.  This pressure is all coming from outside the FSC.  Technically only the FSC Board and Fabian have any control over Diane and we all know the FSC Board is primarily just a a bunch of “yes” men.  The finest bunch of yes men ever assembled.

The really sad part is that she completely sold the FSC to Fabian.


64560cookie-checkInerview With Mr Syphilis Coming Today

Inerview With Mr Syphilis Coming Today

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2 Responses

  1. There seem be growing number porn stars ever day this event goes on that are not happy way FSC Fabian handle this at all. Not all happy about FSC close relationship Fabian. It easy see why mess gets messer. Well get see Mr Syphilis today pull Obama blames ever thing but him self for getting syphilis give out ever body work with.

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