Comments on: How Much Did The FSC Have To Do With AB332 Being Held Up The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Tue, 04 Jul 2023 14:03:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nick East Sun, 26 May 2013 13:27:24 +0000 Okay, here’s what you have to do in order to defeat Measure B in case it passes. First, you’ll have to challenge the new law in court successfully. However, since you don’t have a leg to stand on when it comes to any kind of decency, you’re going to have to somehow convince the District Attorney to ‘drop the ball’, so to speak.
But that’s not all. You can expect the AHF to counter with an assembly bill to further their stranglehold on porn set regulations. The only way you’re going to defeat that is if you can somehow convince the Chairman of the Appropriations Committee to simply drop the bill.
Now, the way you get them both in your pocket is by promising them significant increases in votes which will assure their election (or re-election). Once they are elected, they belong to YOU!
I am pretty sure that was the advice that James Lee gave to the FSC, and I’m convinced that they took that advice! Get ready, folks! Porngate 2013 is here!!!

By: jilted Sun, 26 May 2013 00:32:38 +0000 AHF can play this game forever. they got ALL the money they need. They ae bleeding the FSC dry. They know how much AJF raised to fight measure B, actually they know how much they didnt raise.

AHF has the 2257 fight, Measure B, still dealing with OSHA, and then the statewide initiiative coming up. If the industry could barely raise enough money to run the Measure B in LA County, what makes anybody think thay will have money for a statewide initiative. And did you see Weinstien quote about getting more publicity to push for condoms from this debate than anything ever in their past.

This is far from over, and it really doesnt matter. EVERY SINGLE THINK in AB 332 is part of the still standing OSHA regulations.

By: Karmafan Sat, 25 May 2013 00:25:35 +0000 In reply to RiccoMarin.

How quick will it be before the FSC tries to lay claim to this (tabling the bill) being due to their hard work and effort?

Of course to keep the FSC going they are going to need large donations. And no more piles of $1 bills either. Just send the big bills!!!!!!!!

By: RiccoMarin Sat, 25 May 2013 00:03:12 +0000 I think the voters of California should vote on it…Fuck Mr. Gatto.
He is a cry baby Goon senator.

By: RiccoMarin Sat, 25 May 2013 00:02:17 +0000 I wonder how Mrs.Gatto will feel if she started getting all this MAIL from Porn Companies with dvd’s of hardcore porn coming to the house and she’s like….what the fuck? Mike…why are u getting all this porn sent here….Thanks FSC..!!

By: jilted Fri, 24 May 2013 23:37:34 +0000 A few things to remember. The wording in AB332 is DIRECTLY from Cal-OSHA statute 5193, and OSHA is still the law of the land. Virtually everything in AB332 is already the law in California. AB332 just presented a new way to enforce the already existing law. When Dianne and the stooges claim victory, just ask them about OHSA?

And be sure, the AHF now has assemblymant Gatto clearly in their sites. Michaell Weinstiens first public comment referenced Assemblymans Gatto’s ‘support’ for pornographers. Dont for one minute think that they arent letting Mr Gatto know that they will be driving home the message to the people in Mr Gatto’s district that he side with “pornographers.”

By: Craig Amabello Fri, 24 May 2013 23:34:22 +0000 I know VERY LITTLE about THIS Condom BILL… but the ONE THING that JUMPED OUT at me was ODDLY… the fact that THIS BILL/LAW was being TIED to a PERMIT ACQUIREMENT of some sort… And It just not only seemed OUT of CONTEXT… But it Appeared to have NO Proper Bearing to the HEALTH ISSUES that this CONDOM Law is supposed to be all about!

It just struck me as another Way for the STATE to get QUICK MONEY by SLAPPING some kind of PERMIT Type FEE Onto this HEALTH Issue…

I ADMIT… I know very LITTLE… And WANT to LEARN MORE about this but as I said… I have been out of the Loop.

What SCARES ME is… What if a GUY Such as Myself just wants to Shoot some SCENES here and There for MYSELF? or to be SOLD LATER to a Company?…

THIS CONDOM LAW Appears to MAKE someone attempting to do this… VERY LIABLE and RESPONSIBLE for all SORTS of POTENTIAL Problems down the Road which could be ALMOST Impossible for a small guy such as myself to shoot a scene here and a scene there like I USED to do when I ran across a few good Performers that I wanted to Shoot…

In THEORY… could this very CONDOM LAW FREEZE out a LITTLE GUY such as Myself who could NEVER Compete with a VIVID or Digital Playground with ALL their MONEY and PULL?

Isn’t THIS Kind of STRANGE?

I am ALL for a HEALTHIER and SAFER Work Environment for the Performers… BUT I am wondering just what EXACTLY is Going On here with this CONDOM BILL and I am ALWAYS Suspicious of the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT actually Giving a SHIT about ANY HUMAN Being in AMERICA or ANYWHERE on Planet Earth!

I Truly DON’T Believe the Feds CARE ONE BIT about the HEALTH and SAFETY of PORN PERFORMERS!

Something FISHY Seems to be going on here, and I really would like to LEARN MORE about this WHOLE BILL and as to WHO exactly is BEHIND all of this…

Mr Mike South… do YOU or does ANYBODY Else out there KNOW HOW I can Learn MORE about this CONDOM BILL?

I’m NOT trying to be an asshole… Or Trouble maker… But I plan to move back to L.A very soon and may want to SHOOT Scenes here and there as a FREELANCER and I am WONDERING where all THIS Leaves a guy like MYSELF?

I am just totally CLUELESS and now becoming CONCERNED that there are SINISTER Forces LURKING in the DARKNESS…

And would like to EDUCATE MYSELF and LEARN MORE…

Thank You for your time.
Craig Amabello

By: J.r. Wolfe Fri, 24 May 2013 23:15:48 +0000 of course they had nothing to do with it

By: Mike Kulich Fri, 24 May 2013 22:45:36 +0000 None

By: MikeSouth1226 Fri, 24 May 2013 22:40:09 +0000 How Much Did The FSC Have To Do With AB332 Being Held Up
