FSC calls for a precautionary production hold until Tuesday due to HIV scare

Today the Free Speech Coalition raised the red flag letting everyone know that a performer tested positive for HIV, however, we still don’t know if it’s a false positive. The performer is doing a confirmation test and we will now by Monday afternoon or so if it’s real.

So, for now, the FSC is calling for a temporary “precautionary production hold” until Tuesday. On Monday we’ll know or not if the performer is HIV positive. If he is we’ll do a full-blown production hold if not, it will be business as usual.

Please take this hold serious.

Do not do scenes including content trades with anyone until we know what is going on. We don’t know if the person you are with was possibly exposed to the performer who just tested positive. Do not put yourself at risk!

The Free Speech Coalition is calling for a precautionary production hold after a possible positive test for HIV by an adult performer listed in the PASS database.

The performer will be retested tomorrow morning, and we will know whether or not it is a false positive on Tuesday. The performer is actively working with FSC-PASS, and we will be proactively retesting anyone who might have had contact with the performer since their last clear test.

Out of an abundance of caution, we are asking that producers immediately stop filming until we are able to establish and confirm relevant facts. We understand that a production hold is not only stressful and confusing, but also financially difficult. However, our ultimate responsibility is to the safety of the performer pool and the integrity of the PASS system.

We ask that you respect and maintain the performer’s privacy during this process.

The Free Speech Coalition periodically calls production holds if there is a possible HIV exposure within the adult film community. Production holds are an important part of the safety protocols in adult film, but does not signal an actual on-set transmission, nor a confirmed positive test. The adult film industry has not seen an on-set transmission of HIV on a PASS-regulated set in over a decade.

280090cookie-checkFSC calls for a precautionary production hold until Tuesday due to HIV scare

FSC calls for a precautionary production hold until Tuesday due to HIV scare

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2 Responses

  1. I don’t have to look forward to industry idiot Hop Sing making an ass of himself — you already have. BTW, Hop, it is Dr. Harris to people like you. I will weigh in, though. HIV and other VDs are just a risk of the industry — just like fucking your back up or falling off of a ladder on a construction site — or falling off of the dais in a lecture hall for a professor. We can minimize that risk but trying to eliminate it will simply run the industry out of the country (which is why we can’t mandate condoms and dental dams and expect to have an adult industry in the future).

    I hope this is a false positive and that no one has HIV; except for Riley Reynolds, Scottie Ohanian, Trinity St. Whore (excuse me, Clair), Shy Love, Nikki Hearts, Leigh Raven or Rob Black I don’t want anyone in the industry getting it — not even industry troll Hop Sing (who I am told is in the industry but he must make Anabolic, Donkey Punch or Khan Tusion type videos because I haven’t seen or heard of any of them). Have a nice day, “Troll” Hop Sing. 🙂

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