Diane Duke Lies Again Says the Third performer Didn’t Work With Cameron Bay or Rod Daily


Key word….”work”

She didn’t say that she didn’t have contact with them, she did, she was a first generation exposure, probably one of the ones that Diane and the FSC didn’t notify.

And what does work actually mean  is it work if they did a content swap?  Is it work if they escorted together?

You see Diane knows who the third performer is….and so do I.  As a result Diane knows that the third performer is a first generation exposure so she obfuscates the truth…the sad thing is there’s no apparent logical reason to do that….She has just gotten so accustomed to lying that she simply can not tell the truth, even when it would be in her best interest to do so.  What’s the point of saying they didn’t “work” together?  the result is the same is it not?

Most everyone now knows who the third performer is so I expect she will be coming forward soon, though not soon enough.

What is it going to take to remove this scourge called Diane Duke from our ranks?




82750cookie-checkDiane Duke Lies Again Says the Third performer Didn’t Work With Cameron Bay or Rod Daily

Diane Duke Lies Again Says the Third performer Didn’t Work With Cameron Bay or Rod Daily

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6 Responses

  1. Yes! Its been confirmed. Please
    Tell us all. Its time foe the ones
    Exposed to get tested and treatment. FSC Sucks!

  2. Tell Diane Duke to go suck the dick of a tranny. She should have been out of the FSC years ago. I bet Bill Margold could run the FSC better than Diane and he is 80 years old! Heck, I bet Sharon Mitchell could even do a better job than Diane although I would not trust her with the charity’s finances with the way she ran AIM into the ground.

    A better idea would be to vote in Mike South as the new CEO of the FSC. The first thing Mike can do is to aim the FSC nuke bombs at Monica Foster’s house and blow her to smitherines for the recent cartoon she made where he is accused of lying on his blog and his character is hooked up to a machine that causes shit to spew out of his mouth. She makes Peter Acworth look like a laughingstock as well, maybe he will pay for a couple more nukes for Mike to shoot into Monica’s house.

  3. The third performer to test positive for HIV is Sofia Delgado.
    she said she was going to vanish if her test was positive because she didn’t want to get a rash of shit. She’s off twitter and her phone is disconnected. The people in this business are fucking crazy.

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