What’s The Deal With The FAME Awards

I got several emails along these lines:

“Hey South,

What’s the deal with the FAME awards? Jesse wins best body? Come on man, she used to be hot but there are lots of girls in porn with a lot better body, I could name 100 at least. What gives?”

Ok heres the 4-1-1 on the FAME awards. plain and simple, the fans vote, period. So it is what it is. If you talk to a random “fan” who votes you will find most of them dont know the names of but a handfull of porn girls and guess what…those are the ones that are most heavily promoted. So who is more promoted than Jesse? outside of Jenna and Ron Jeremy she is probably porns most recognizeable name in the current crop of performers so you expect her to win things like this. Now if you put the voter inperson with Jesse, Tera, Stormy, and even Paola Ray or Bree Olsen he wouldn’t necesarily choose the same way.

And when you look at it this way it’s solid proof that the FAME Awards are very honest, lets face it, if a no name won these top awards you’d have to question the validity.


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What’s The Deal With The FAME Awards

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Mike South

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